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Ban appeal


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Your Name: Cobson_was_right

SteamID STEAM_0:0:737672761

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you? Mr. Arrow

How long is your ban for? 14 days

Reason: RDM/NITRP/ and retard in all caps. 

Why were you banned? I was banned for shooting him in the back cuz he refused to roleplay and decided to be rude and snub us. A mod breaking NITRP and wandering the map like a braindead fuck is insane. 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? It was a mafia robbing roleplay and I was told to shoot you. Kind of ironic you have banned me for not roleplaying with people, but you turn around and ban me for two entire weeks especially on Christmas eve when me and my buds are just trying to have fun and roleplay. You refused to Rp and rudely snubbed us. Then after that you refused to begin a sit with me and talk this out but instead of that you abruptly ban me. RDM doesn't even equal a two week ban either. You are abusing your ban tool, and I don't appreciate it. Roleplaying doesn't suddenly not become roleplaying when something personally happens to you. When a player ignores soldiers in a roleplay senecio, they get shot right? Why is it suddenly two weeks ban worthy when you decide to pretend to be a normal player, and you get hurt yourself?

Additional Information: Acted like a normal player and walked away from a roleplay senecio shattering NITRP but then turned around and gave me a two-week ban. Also baiting rdm in so many ways. Also, he didn't die from the shot. Mad overreacting over here. And two weeks ban on Christmas eve is fucking vile lol. 

Edited by Cobson_was_right
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Did you happen to clip any of this..?

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My friend Asgard should. I will ask him and see.

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I was involved in the RP and we were told to shoot the guy down because he was ignoring us and decided to rudely away when we were trying to mug him. We are currently still roleplaying in the server but this ban is completely unjust.


Edited by Asgard
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He is getting the clip right now.

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Hello, I am the staff member who banned you. I banned you because firstly you didn't follow the rules of killing (" You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon.") And because you were clearly minging and had no interest in an rp situation, the reason I banned you for so long was because you have a massive amount of POs, in my opinion this ban should be extended even further because you are definitely not learning from your previous bans and notes. Merry Christmas eve.

Edited by Mr_Arrovv
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