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[Drugs] Giving access to more Drug Bricks per Shipment, VIP, Store or Gradual Increase

Friedhart Thone

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Description of the idea: 

1 of the three following;

-Allow all people to purchase 2-3 more unprocessed drugs from the vendor at a time. 

-Make it so people can purchase 3 of the same drug brick which then adds a cooldown to other drug type.

-Give Berlin VIP's the ability to purchase 2-3 more of unprocessed drugs from the vendor at a time. Or add a store option to purchase the ability to purchase more unprocessed drugs at a time.

Why should this be added?: 

Each of the following have their own pros;

-Would allow for greater Criminal Roleplay as organizations would need more manpower to track down the drug crates once they spawn as well as transporting them, furthermore it would also allow policing organizations a better chance of interacting with these organizations IE stopping the drug flow or taking bribes as well as rival criminal organizations to intercept shipments. Greater risk, greater reward. Furthermore the way this spawns could be changed, rather then a small crate, a more noticeable crate with its own spawn, with a shorter cooldown before everyone can access it. say 300 seconds rather then 600.

-Easy switch, allows for people to streamline one drug type.

-Greater incentive for people to purchase Berlin VIP, which in turn funds server development

What negatives could this have?: 

Each of the following have their own pros;

-Depending on how many people actively playing have Berlin VIP the economy may break, this could be tempered by making it a separate purchasable option.

-Would need some coding down or this to work.

-If option 2 is chosen, per the reply by brownie, will be seen as pay 2 win.

Additional information: 

Edited by Friedhart Thone
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So rather then outright giving money, as it's done with the VIP package already to my knowledge, you'd rather that people are given a permanent ability to get and make crap tons of more drugs. Inherently a P2W mechanic. 



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15 minutes ago, Browniemeister said:

So rather then outright giving money, as it's done with the VIP package already to my knowledge, you'd rather that people are given a permanent ability to get and make crap tons of more drugs. Inherently a P2W mechanic. 



Didn't even think about that tbh as I'll admit I was half asleep when I made the suggestion. I'll re-write the suggestion.


Edited by Friedhart Thone
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  • Friedhart Thone changed the title to [VIP] Giving access to more Drug Bricks per Shipment, VIP, Store or Gradual Increase

+1 As a super based and awesome donator, I believe that these could help increase the development money bags for the server and lead to better quality server content. God bless.

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  • Friedhart Thone changed the title to [Drugs] Giving access to more Drug Bricks per Shipment, VIP, Store or Gradual Increase

+1 I agree


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