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[Mining] Add the mining nodes in the Underground Sewer Mine

Friedhart Thone

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Description of the idea: 

Place the Mining Ore Nodes down in the underground mine section for players to have another source of income on the server. Place the pickaxes in the General Store and have the refining equipment and NPC placed beside the Party Building near the sewer entrance.

Why should this be added?: 

-Would introduce another way for people to earn money through legal means.

-Introducing new avenues of RP.

-Would allow an unused section of the map to be more widely used.

-Diggy Diggy Hole.

What negatives could this have?: 

-PK rule regarding sewer complex PK's may need to be edited regarding the mine section. This may be overcome via a ruling that the mine cannot be used as a base.

Additional information: 

The mining stuff is still on the server, I'm unsure of its actual status, but realistically if there's no issue, the stuff just needs to be placed. Furthermore if crafting should ever return, the refined ingots could be used in the crafting system.

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