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You got some explaining to do.


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Character's name & rank: Hauptmann Kroenen Kenev 

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:645939357

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  No clue he didn't even bother to get on his staff character to pk me.

Explain why you were PK'd: I have no clue. Nor was I shown why?

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 1. I never shot nor was I even the first person to start pistol whipping a member of the VSK furthermore I am not the one who started any gunfight to begin with anyways. After said VSK member was trying to make off with a kreigsministers guard and the Kreigsminister himself said "GO GET BACK MY GUARD!" to which a large group of military members including me dog piled the lone VSK member and soon the VSK member got pistol whipped by officers of the feldjagers including me I was apparently the one to score the final hit on the VSK member and killed him soon me and alot of other military officers got shot by a member of the VSK roughly 30 seconds after the VSK member had been killed after re-spawning a short time later I was tp'd to the rooftop of the bank (yes the bank rooftop not a staff sit room) I asked the staff member who was Pking me for a clip he said "No." either he had one and didn't want to show it or had none (most likely the latter and you'll see soon why). I was then pk'd , summary: I was tp'd to the bank rooftop got to ask 1 question had no clip shown to me and got PK"d in less then 4 minutes. 

Why am I appealing this matter?  I have reason to believe this incident was out of malice instead of duty to enforce rules. Malice in the PK guidelines says that removing someone for purpose of purely taking there position or title is against the rules of PKing. 

Exhibit A. The VSK member that was killed by ME and his testimony: He was pulled into a separate ticket where he could answer a few of my questions for this appeal this said ticket happened yesterday.  "Did you make a ticket about the incident that happened outside the bank with the kreigsguard?" his response "No,why would I?" I then asked "Do you have a clip of the events that happened?" once again he answered "No" and finally I asked him "was you getting killed via pistol whipping any concern of yours after the fact?" and he answered "No, I don't really care." The very person affected by MY actions believed there was no reason for me to be in trouble nor that I should be PK'd. 

Exhibit B. Me? Me! Why me? I am a hauptmann in the feldjagers currently that is the second highest rank in the feldjager department right behind the major of the department at the time along with being a company head of the 33rd MP, I was THE highest ranking on the server in both the army and feldjagers. Also I had been arguing with VSK over there BS orders to check military ID's at the bank. Which lead to many things happening but basically a small fight between a checkpoint at the bank and the ICC. Regardless VSK had a pretty nice stake in knowing who I am and what I was doing as I was the high officer they had talked to for a couple hours and even had a court summons sent to me that very day to get me in trouble and to take my job from me in a military court. But That never happened because of 1 member of the VSK taking it into his own hands.

Exhibit C. The admin who pk'd me (high member of the VSK): I am going to say this and this is all going to be statements that I have been told by members of staff and that are from my own side of events. 1. a member of VSK was killed by me and decided to take no action nor wanted to and simply went on with his day and instead of it being left there a staff member of who himself is a member of VSK PK'd me.  2. Said VSK member ram-shackled pking me without any proved evidence that they could use nor that I could use to defend myself with for this very appeal.  3. Said staff member failed to even ID himself via getting on his staff character along with concealing his staff name and any evidence that may back up his claim of my wrongdoing. 4. With these very factors you can't merely chalk them up to chance or coincidence this is all deliberate and purposeful and there are staff who are reading this very appeal right now who know more then what they are willing to admit but that will come in do time. Anyways that's all I have to say.

Additional Information: Merry Christmas! : )

PK Guidelines broken during this incident:

3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. 
5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title.
6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job.


Edited by forzen
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Hey, I was the staff member who PKed you.

You were PKed for pistol-whipping a member of the VSK to death, which resulted in a massive gunfight breaking out. It doesn't matter if you shot or not; it’s called initiating for a reason, not "shooting first."

Exhibit A doesn't mean anything. You can't avoid punishment just because someone "doesn't care." That's not how the rules work at all.

Exhibit B also means nothing it's just you complaining.

Exhibit C is just Exhibit A reworded.

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3 things  (also thought I was getting pk'd over something else cause once again I had no clip to base what they were pking me over but I digress)

1. Is this the clip provided by brownie the clip that resulted in my pk if so why was it not given to me when i asked for it? and why was the man in the water not dealt with who actually started it?

2. In the clip under this appeal I didn't shoot anyone I smacked a guy for trying to tie me after I provided warning to them they needed to back up and you can even see my hand signaling for them to back up even with the clip provided being out of the nearby talking range of my voice.

3. Lastly,Dark-hussar can you provide a clip of how you went about with my pk or not?  also In the clip provided I didn't even kill that member of the VSK who I was hitting and in fact he is seen alive and shooting during the gunfight  that started due to the man in the water fountain.

I hope for a quick response back and I'm glad to see someone could finally provide a clip but I am sad to see that this is deemed PK worthy when I didn't even kill anyone in the clip and you can hear/see them trying tie/surround me along with a clearly shown SHOOTER that STARTED THE GUNFIGHT from the nearby fountain starting the massive shoot out. Anyways have a nice day and Hope you had a nice Christmas : )

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You openly and repeatedly attacked someone from another faction by pistol-whipping them, and died almost immediately after. You started a gunfight and lost.

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