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Apologies for the troubles caused.....


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Your Name: Cailer

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:502373918

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Meem > hound > hound

How long is your ban for?:  1 week > 1 month > permanent

Why were you banned?:  NITRP but it was for FailRP we've concluded with

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  I was banned for the fact that I was going to put someone in a pit, staff came before I'd had managed to do so. Without any backstory it might seem scumish, but if I told you why, you'd probably have more sympathy for me. I'm not going to explain why since it will only sound like excuses that are being made. I've played on this server for probably 900 hours, a few of course being AFK. This server is the reason I downloaded gmod, I bought this game because of it. I've had seen countless trolling videos, that seemed like a lot of fun. Initially I was going to just fuck around on the server, but quickly I started falling in love with it. I met lots of people that I've made many memories with. I've climbed the ranks like many others. I don't find the motivation to take this game as serious anymore like I did for a while. I do try to keep myself within the server rules while playing which some staff might not believe, but yes I don't intend to get banned every time I come on.

I feel like a permanent ban for a such minor thing could've have been handled better, which indeed is an excuse. I've been walking on thin ice a long time and the ice finally broke. So now I'm permanantly banned from the server I fell in love with 2 years ago. I would like to be given a try again, I'll read through the rules like I should have a long time ago. 

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Denied. I instructed you in your support ticket that you'd need to wait at least 30 days before making an appeal. 

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