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Everything posted by Kinlep

  1. Your Name: Kinlep SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:196792033 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: KSI's Sports Drink (Prime) How long is your ban?: Perm Ban (Longer than any relationship I'll ever be in) Why was I banned? I used hacks to kill over 40 people, and it took your admins over 5 minutes to even respond to the incident and an additional 2 just ban me, I appreciate the 5/10 I was given, this really made me and the Mass RDM hacking community feel appreciated, thank you for spreading the love brothers. I can't lie, for a server at peek time with an almost full player base it took your admins and mods waaaay too long to react, I recommend getting better staff. Why Should I be unbanned? It has been 5 minutes since I was banned, and I truly believe I have changed as a person, these 5 minutes were extremely upsetting and I regret my actions deeply Ong, if you find it in your heart and soul to unban me, I would be very happy and would love to be a Neo-Nazi again, god bless. Also, the reason I did the Mass-RDM was because some prick stole my nans dentures. <3 Additional Info 1/10 Staff response time PS: Rate my aim, I'm pretty good, (I use aim lab to train) My POV: https://youtu.be/EqLlakPf7vQ Apology Video: https://youtu.be/-sZkD9s4Ipc I Hope You All Have A Wonderful Day

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