Name: Sergei Brevic
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:170167974
Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Mr. History
Explain why your flags were blacklisted:
Me and multiple LAPO, Gericht, and KG members were messing around during low player volume hours in the LAPO garage trying to see how many cars we could crush with the LAPO garage door. Eventually this turned into prop pushing cars around and generally just dicking around with the cars in the garage trying to see who would die from the explosions. In the midst of this cacophony of car explosions, an unaffiliated LAPO car drove by and got clipped by one of the exploding cars, killing him. He brought this up to staff, who took my flags away.
Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted:
I never meant for this fun we were having in the garage to negatively impact someone else. We were generally having a good time and accidentally caught the affected LAPO member in the crossfire, which I compensated him for.
Normally I don't use my flags for such activities, as I usually use them for building structures around the military base and the sewers, only using them for more Sandbox-type activities when everyone's on board for it, such as this case was until the LAPO member caught an exploding Kubelwagen to the face.
Truth be told I really enjoy building little side builds throughout the city and would like my pet flags to be returned so I can continue with such buildings.