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The Man With No Name

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The Man With No Name last won the day on September 10 2024

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  1. Name: Maracia SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:170167974 Staff Member who issued the Ban: Hound Ban length: Perma Reason you were banned: Minge / NSFW in document Long story short I was tired of catching RDM notes for shooting civilians who came into the military base, so I just made a document titled "Fuck off" with Mario from SM64 edited to be goatse and dropped the document into the civilians pockets before I released them. Although it is somewhat funny in a twisted sort of way, it isn't proper RP and I should have considered that. I do not disagree with the ban, but ask that it be cut down in length due to it taking place during the absolute mingefest that occured on the 24th. Nobody was exactly taking RP seriously at the time, I just pushed the envelope a little too far. From now on I will aim to use the document creation tool for it's intended purpose, that being creating documents with so much legalese embedded within that it gives Saul Goodman a run for his money. Hopefully that can work to atone for my actions that spurred this ban.
  2. The "crash attempt" was an accident on my end due to my poor quality laptop occasionally freezing up, which can duplicate inputs right before the freeze. That was all smoothed over right after the ban, and I was unbanned by the words of Whoreson himself, who claimed (I) "is not malicious, just retarded." The prop fly was just me trying to ramp into the Kaisers house from the outside gate because it was like 1am and I wanted to see the inside of it, later found out that it was pretty nice. Overall, neither of these notes were immediately malicious, which also stands for this case here.
  3. Name: Sergei Brevic SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:170167974 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Mr. History Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Me and multiple LAPO, Gericht, and KG members were messing around during low player volume hours in the LAPO garage trying to see how many cars we could crush with the LAPO garage door. Eventually this turned into prop pushing cars around and generally just dicking around with the cars in the garage trying to see who would die from the explosions. In the midst of this cacophony of car explosions, an unaffiliated LAPO car drove by and got clipped by one of the exploding cars, killing him. He brought this up to staff, who took my flags away. Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I never meant for this fun we were having in the garage to negatively impact someone else. We were generally having a good time and accidentally caught the affected LAPO member in the crossfire, which I compensated him for. Normally I don't use my flags for such activities, as I usually use them for building structures around the military base and the sewers, only using them for more Sandbox-type activities when everyone's on board for it, such as this case was until the LAPO member caught an exploding Kubelwagen to the face. Truth be told I really enjoy building little side builds throughout the city and would like my pet flags to be returned so I can continue with such buildings.
  4. Your Name: Sergei Brevic SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:170167974 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Mixed Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: Perma Why were you banned?: "Crash Attempt" Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: My PC that I play Gmod on is a 2018 HP Pavilion Laptop with all of a whopping 8GB of DDR3 ram. As a result, when playing Gmod, my game tends to freeze and stutter. A lot. Usually it just results in me walking into a wall like a dumbass, but I guess in this case it resulted in me spawning a ton of tires I didn't mean to. Was trying to spawn one to make a chair out of for a little dupe, but game lagged and spawned a countless number of the things. When I was banned I was trying to type a ticket to staff to get them wiped. I was not trying to crash the server, but perhaps the server was trying to crash my laptop. I know this may sound like a whole "my brother got on the game and shouted the N-word in chat" type of deal, but I genuinely had no ill intent in doing that, I just wanted to make a fun little gate stand with a few props. I've been attempting to turn a new leaf to put my past shenanigans to bed and RP seriously, but incidents like this one here I feel were judged a little too quickly. Please have mercy on me and my dinky laptop, it's all I've got. Additional Information:
  5. Description of the idea: Previously, the attachment system for the ArcCW weapons the server is currently using was locked behind Frontlines VIP, something that was never really bought in the first place and now no longer exists due to the death of the old website. Why should this be added?: This should be added due to some guns just acting funky without certain attachments. The Thompson comes without a stock, and 20 rounds of .45 acp will just spray out of the gun like a hose on mist with no real sense of accuracy. The reintroduction of attachments would allow for varied play styles and just the fun addition of player led customization. What negatives could this have?: Any buffs caused by attachments are easily countered by their downsides, such as equipping a heavy stock on the Thompson giving you -50% recoil but also slowing you down by 3% and worsening handling by 25%. Overall, I think reintroducing attachments could really improve general player life on the server by allowing for fun customization and slightly more autistic gun min-maxing. Additional information:

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