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Freddy last won the day on May 21

Freddy had the most liked content!

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  1. Freddy

    Perma Ban Appeal

    I'm the (Former) Staff member who banned you, As for why I banned you, well i don't remember the situation that occurred but I do recall making the ban. I cannot say anything positive or negative about it since I really don't remember what you did for me to ban you so ill leave it up to the discretion of the Upper Administration to pardon or leave your ban. Good luck!
  2. Crybaby, what an interesting username
  3. Your already a moderator, what do you need the trusted for?
  4. Harumachi Chan is the goat +1
  5. openings are literally a channel for advertisements
  6. Let the man have his larp, +1
  7. Description of the idea: The ability for people with pet flags to use the Stacker tool. Right now we cannot use them (at least trusted ranks can't), and this really makes it harder for me and others to build dupes as it takes a lot longer for me to place repeating props such as fences. Why should this be added?: Easier building. What negatives could this have?: None, we had it before and it didn't cause any issues. Additional information: N/A

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