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Everything posted by rydog55

  1. Where was the proof I was intoxicated? And also I wasn't under the presumption we could kill people for saying stupid things, thank you.
  2. So I'll write this down, the PK rules are now if I am in the NSB I am to shit myself when I go into the cells, act respectfully to other people or I will die, make sure to I am roleplaying the entire time, and next time he asks, tell him he isn't European, he is from somewhere else. Got it. So next time your Major Christian Meyers is spamming "Help!" in the chat box, line by line, repeatedly over and over, while the gag system is broken in the game, I'll tell him hes been disrespectful so hes now dead, *boom*. Maybe if he was actually European, respectful, and shit himself he wouldn't have died, it'll be on his tombstone.
  3. Character's name & rank: Derek Carlos SteamID32: 76561198010460731 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I have no idea who issued the P.K. on me. Explain why you were PK'd: Okay so myself and a group of NSB officers went into the ICC for some reason, we just got out of a gunfight with the LAPO, and one of our COs had a primary weapon on him, the military then decides to start insulting him, circling him in, the NSB was deescalating it while the military kept throwing insults and trying to pick a fight for a reason I do not know, the Fieldmarschal comes in, insults of of my COs, starts walking up the stairs and I said out loud he is brand new and was laughing a little bit. I didn't even think he'd hear me, but I guess he did, he insulted me, locked me up. Then while I'm in the cells they're bullying me the whole time, asking me meaningless questions to me about my personal life and threatening to harm me if I don't talk, I still do my best to deescalate the situation, reinforcing the fact that I didn't mean to be disrespectful when I said he was brand new, which he is, he's only been a fieldmarschal for what he said was a "month", woo hoo, how mean, no jokes anymore. The fieldmarschal then comes inside the cells, complains I'm being disrespectful for talking over him after responding to his questions, calls an admin and said he wants to PK me for quote "No intent to RP", they bully me some more, and then kill me. I'm not sure if there was role play importance to my death but I was told by my higher ups to report it to UA, if you know me at all you know I do not report people for RDM in Gary's Mod as I find its funny, but I got PKd so I do want to be unPKd for a RDM. I'll leave it up to the big bosses of this server. Why should you be un-PK'd?: They said I was being disrespctful and they wanted to PK me for "no intent to roleplay" which was complete BS, I came in there with a positive attitude and was on the right side of the law from what I was told. I have video evidence too of showing I wasn't picking a fight either, funny funny. They were bullying me and maybe a response or two of mine was loud, but it wass only because they were picking a fight with me, once again with annoying pointless questions and quote "forcing me to talk". Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/27cQxQSYCQGDnE/d13375yd2DLM?invite=cr-MSxJbjEsMTkyMjQ1NzU5LA

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