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  1. +1 He has been working hard on the server and is new to command. He has shown a great amount of commitment and professionalism in his role as Chief of the Police Courts. I think he will do great on the staff team and develop as he progresses. He has an aptitude to learn, tenacious, and will make a great addition to the Prometheus Staff Team.
  2. We attempted to bring you to court several times and as unfolded in this administration, they are shoot first ask later operation. We caught you doing this exact thing. Shockingly this policy has institutions hostile to even hosting trials. This combination caused an inability to have a court session. We set an operation to catch you and did. We capture you and brought you back. We went through all the other options before your disappearance. UA+ can request if needed for detail.
  3. +1 Great member of the community. Help me run my military when I was NHC. Cant wait for him to be staff
  4. Steam Name: Gator SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:93672775 Discord Username/ID: thegator1 Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 4d 11h 25m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Only Relevant Character for Trusted: General der Infantry | Commander of the Army Sebastian Strause I oversee the entire army and deployment of all troops on the front lines. I manage the maintenance and development of all departments under the army. What will you use the trusted rank for?: Well since I oversee the entire army I will be able to connect and uniform each member to the Military quickly. Especially during high ticket times it will provide easement to the staff team. I will use the role to expedite the recruitment process for the armed forces. Mainly the role will be used for the maintenance of the armed forces. You will see me personally make sure that this happens. I have had the role in the past and hope that I can put it to use again. Staff Recommendations: Lentz
  5. Your Name: Gator SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:93672775 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Prime/Virus/UA How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: Doc Destruction | Global Rule 15 Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: The document was destroyed due to me clearing my files in my email, I attempted to save files that were crucial to the inner workings of the server. I will admit, The clearing came from my intent to leave but I never had any intention of damaging the server. People in the community know I have respect for Whoreson and the server. I lacked the necessary care at the moment, and hastily made an error that violated the trust people had in me. Additional Information: I never once had any mal intentions towards the server and I have many friends that still play. I did get caught up in the moment and that is on me. Any documents that were destroyed to my knowledge were out of active roleplay and null. However I am aware, the oops I didn't mean it isn't exactly sufficient for that. I am aware I messed up, just hoping the situation can be rectified. Regardless if I remain banned, I did want this to be said. My discord is open if you need further questioning etc.

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