Steam Name: CurryTDemon
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:219458083
Discord Username/ID: currytdemon
Are you VIP?: yes
Time Played (Check in-game using !time): Since the restart says 7hrs. But I have been with PN since the timeline reset with the special windmills. Back in 2022.
Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Main: Kompanieleiter Hagan Otto Stellvertretender Chef der Deutsches Volkswachter - I help run the Volkswachter when I am home for my 10 days. Making sure patrols are ran, handing out promotions, making sure Officers and leading their men correctly. I attempt to keep the roster all up to date as much as I can. I help advise the Chief of possible changes that can be done to VW to make VW a more enjoyable place for our men. | Second: Obersekretar Severin Busch Adjutant des Stabschefs - I help the President of the KAG keep track of businesses, raise funds for new small business owners as well as check in on said businesses. I hear out peoples ideas and see how we can make their ideas come to life so they can chase their goals as a business owner.
What will you use the trusted rank for?: I mainly hope to use the trusted rank to help correct my men in VW such as their uniform, rank, or get new recruits into VW. I would also use it on the KAG life if we end up getting new members for KAG Staff to help run the KAG. I do understand that with only one high ranking position this might not be given to me but with my time schedule with work I only try to have a few lives to focus on them. With trusted I will be able to assist my men during times when staff aren't around or are around and won't have to wait for a ticket to be accepted.
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