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  1. When the forest maps we're around it was alot of fun, but as Hound stated it was really never used for anything, drugs we're being made in the forest and MAYBE sometimes wargames would be hosted. I don't see a reason why the forest should be added since it almost NEVER got used.
  2. Now I agree with this to be possibly added but as you stated and I agree with, people would just sit there and spam call NHC and stuff like that, now if we could make it so that only certain people can use the phones and specific phone lines that would work perfectly.
  3. Hello there, I have noticed you have used SteamID 64, please change it to your regular SteamID, here is a example of what the SteamID should look like (STEAM_0:0:431312134).
  4. Looking at the current Panzer models, I don't see an error with it, if you could elaborate on how its bugged that would help a lot.
  5. +1, this would be a great addition to the uniforms.
  6. +1, good staff app and has alot of playtime on the server, I think he would make a good addition to the staff team.
  7. +1,, decent staff app, one question tho, have you seriously been roleplaying since you were 9 years old?
  8. +1 Good roleplayer, very active on the server and knows his ways around the Roleplay and staff side of things, I think he would make a good addition to the staff team.
  9. +1 I've interacted with you IC and you seem like a good person, great roleplayer and take your roles serious. Good application and good playtime.

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