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Virwëtztut last won the day on August 14 2024

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About Virwëtztut

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  1. -1 You're reserve troops. You're reserve troops in a city environment. You know how outrageous it would be to have lowflying aircraft hosting jump training in a city? Get real. No jump pay for you.
  2. -1 We already have enough resources to have proper civilian RP.
  3. More work than it'll ever be worth. You could try systems like Atmos but they'll lag the server to high heaven. You could try switching maps but then you ruin RP situations, people's drug operations, and so on.
  4. They will definitely, I mean definitely, not be missed.
  5. +1 He's an alright person. Has great potential for staff as long as he can behave.
  6. -1 Sorry, bud. The weapon skins you can buy from donation and the 20,000 for a MOP scope is just as good as it's going to get.
  7. *rubs belly cutely and burps loudly* sorry i was hungry, tee hee
  8. Though I do not know you nor agree with the way you went about making your exit from the community. I wish you the best in your future.
  9. This is a really poor excuse. How do you plan on actually RPing such a organization? Or are you just planning on marauding the streets and tying up any poor bastard you can find? There's no difference between you and some rag tag group of civis if all you're going to do is commit crime.
  10. -1 Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting idea. However, your concept for the organization doesn't align with the established lore of Prometheus. There wasn't a victorious Germany in the first war, and alongside that there was an open communist revolution across the nation. Currently, it feels like a typical cut-and-paste communist group. I recommend reading the lore document before setting up any sort of backstory. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAAUnuFYm0bVkTJ_6BFBNMlIUncwQKoe8WrTHomQM74/edit?usp=sharing Remember to keep your eyerolling to a minimum and use suspension of belief in every sentence. It's a god awful read.
  11. +1 The limitations are a big dampener on the creative minds of the community who have to cut corners just to get their works completed. Think of the amalgamations and wonders that could be made and how more lively the city could be with more decorum!
  12. New civilian models...

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