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About crazyy813

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  1. Name: Bonk! Atomic Punch SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:539076492 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Owen Explain why your flags were blacklisted: "I spawned fences trying to block a Marine from running away in a chase." During a chase in which me and others were chasing a Marine, I saw another person spawn in some fences to stop the Marine from running. I saw this and thought it was acceptable of me to also spawn in some fences. We eventually caught the Marine without the use of fences. Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: It's been a month now, and I have had time to reflect on what I did wrong. The chase was mingy from the beginning, and I already knew that spawning in fences was against the rules as I have been warned before(3 times to be exact, not all for the same reason). I apologize for my actions, I knew it was wrong even before I spawned the fences but I didn't care. Despite my previous warnings which explained in detail not to do things like that, I continued to break the rules of using props. I believe I have learned my lesson, knowing that I can't take for granted the ability to spawn props. I wish to have my Pet Flags back so that I may continue to build dupes for the ICC for it's protection. Additional Information: Video of my blacklisting: https://youtu.be/qfcoYnBTiZo Previous appeal: https://prn.gg/topic/741-bonks-flag-appeal/
  2. -1 You have to be VIP to apply to be trusted.
  3. Your Name: Bonk! Atomic Punch SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:539076492 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Cravfe How long is your ban for?: 4 days Why were you banned?: "Moron" I was shooting at a civ repeatedly from the ICC gate after he kept respawning. My reasoning for it was that he was breaking NLR repeatedly. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Upon reflection, I kinda realize that what I did was not appropriate. I was far enough away that whatever was happening did not involve me, and I shot at him even before he could start punching others or doing whatever he did. I also realize that it was retarded of me to be shooting constantly for 5-6 minutes. I was on top of the ICC gate, while the guy I kept shooting was at the baumerworks/train station/park area. I apologize for my actions, and as I said, I admit to doing retarded stuff. Additional Information: N/A
  4. I admitted that I had previous notes, though I may have not worded it the best. That combines with what I said about me learning what is and isn't allowed through my previous punishments/notes. I tried to summarize what you said to me in the sit, but you explained it better.
  5. Name: Bonk! Atomic Punch SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:539076492 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Owen Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I spawned fences trying to block a marine from running away in a chase. Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I admit, I made a mistake. I shouldn't have spawned those fences, period. I apologize for that. We would have and did capture him without resorting to using props, and there were better in RP ways I could have captured him. I have learned my lesson, through multiple incidents and punishments, and have learned what is and is not acceptable to do with props. I want my Pet Flags back so that I can spawn the dupes I have, necessary for the enhanced protection of the ICC main gate, and create new dupes similar to those. Additional Information: Clip of me abusing: https://streamable.com/zqfq55 Owen said that when he tried to bring me to a sit regarding my prop abuse, he couldn't due to me being "offline" despite being in game.
  6. +1 This guy is peak. He is kind, competent, and does RP well. 10/10 would be good fit for staff
  7. Character's name & rank: Ministerialdirektor Kampen Von Hendrick SteamID32: 76561199038418712 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): N/A Explain why you were PK'd: I was PKed under fearRP for retaliating against a mugging. The person that mugged me was in a gunfight prior. I saw that and moved away from where the gunfight was happening. He then followed me asking if I shot him and that I was the person who shot him. I pulled out my pistol which was on safety and tried to deescalate the situation. I then ran away to the gas station where I got into a car. I was pulling out into the road when he pulled out a gun and demanded I get out. I complied and he made commands to move and turn around. I then attempted to retaliate but was killed. Why should you be un-PK'd?: He had mugged someone just beforehand, causing the shootout. He made no attempt at RP in the confrontation before the mugging, and mugged me in an open street for the reason of wanting my gun. I had my gun still equipped from before the mugging in my hand during the mugging, but complied until the he was close when I made my attempt.
  8. Character's name & rank: Feldwebel Wilhem Strogven SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:539076492 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): N/A Explain why you were PK'd: I don't know. I was given the explanation of FearRP by an admin investigating but I didn't have a fearRP situation anywhere around that time. The only evidence or clip I was provided for why I was PKed was a clip not involving me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I didn't do anything to get PKed, and I didnt get taken to a sit any time last night when I was on, only afterwards when I was offline. Additional Information: Clip provided: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iuOiOWnTL7_PJoHOQ&invite=cr-MSxIZHQsMjM4OTY1MTM1LA&spok=d1337Vsu0EeU
  9. +1, met him a few times in the MOP and he seems pretty cool.
  10. Steam Name: Bonk! Atomic Punch SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:539076492 Discord Username/ID: C0rrect Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 4D 13H(About 1 week 3 days before wipe) Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Oberregierungsrat Kampen Von Hendrick Hendrick Is my main character that I use most often. I work for the MOF as Stv. Büroleiter of RFA-II, along with being the Owner and Founder of Renden Ammunition and Gambling. I Recruit new people into the MOF and make sure RFA-II works as intended, along with selling and shipping ammunition through my business. I also handle most of the paperwork relating to all legal businesses in Berlin, including the creation and inspection of businesses and roster updating. Stabsgefreiter Wilhem Strogven Strogven is one of my lesser used chars, but is still active. Strogven's duties are enforcing law and will of the Feldjägers and the 33rd Wildhund, arresting criminals in the military, and listening to my superior's orders and carrying them out. Gefreiter Able Von Kunningham Another one of my chars. Able is the least active. Able's duties include guarding the airfield and learning from senior enlisted and NCOs. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use the trusted rank to more easily recruit/set up people into the MOF and promote my employees within the growing RFA-II without taking staff away from more pressing matters. Unfortunately my other chars are not high enough rank to recruit or transfer people yet. Once I do rank up my other chars, Trusted will be incredibly useful as an NCO in swiftly recruiting or transferring people into both departments. Staff Recommendations: N/A

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