Name: Bonk! Atomic Punch
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:539076492
Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Owen
Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I spawned fences trying to block a marine from running away in a chase.
Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I admit, I made a mistake. I shouldn't have spawned those fences, period. I apologize for that. We would have and did capture him without resorting to using props, and there were better in RP ways I could have captured him. I have learned my lesson, through multiple incidents and punishments, and have learned what is and is not acceptable to do with props. I want my Pet Flags back so that I can spawn the dupes I have, necessary for the enhanced protection of the ICC main gate, and create new dupes similar to those.
Additional Information: Clip of me abusing:
Owen said that when he tried to bring me to a sit regarding my prop abuse, he couldn't due to me being "offline" despite being in game.