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  1. Character's name & rank: Militärkommissar Samuel Guer SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:119092977 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Valy Explain why you were PK'd: I was enroute to the LF in order to participate in the SKK Selections, with my signed document saying I was permitted within the courtyard, and as I was walking in front of the MoI, a Lapo in a trench coat immediately opened fire on me and attempted to kill me. I proceeded to hide behind a corner of the wall, and when he approached again, I walked out and asked him not to shoot me, and that I had no involvement in the current conflict (this was on the recent Sunday during the city-wide RDM fest between the Lapo-MOI-Military), and that I had a signed document saying I was allowed over there. He ignored my repeated requests to let me be on my way and wouldn't give me time to show him the document so he knew I was telling the truth. He enlisted the help of a Gendarmerie that walked up and attempted to arrest me, and when I resisted, shot me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: After talking with Valy during the sit and asking around after, I do fully admit that I violated Fear RP, but I honestly didn't know 2 people counted, and I also believed that the SKK Selections would have exempted me from the IC bs that was going on in the city. All the Selectees had an assigned time to be there, and for the endless killing back and forth to interfere with that was pretty frustrating. This is also my first ever offense on this server, and also my main char. I've put a lot of time and effort into this char, and I would greatly regret having to lose him because of this situation. Again, I agree I was in the wrong, but at the time I was under the belief I was in the right. Additional Information: I mostly just feel that it could have been resolved a better way, I was just instantly pulled into a sit, got told I was getting PKed, and boom it was done. I'd rather have been given the opportunity to be upgraded on my knowledge of PK guidelines, and be given a warning instead of losing a char I've been playing for months now.
  2. +1 Especially for those like me in the Ministry of Science, having the stacker tool makes it a lot easier to construct RP equipment and dupes. I understand people can use it to crash shit, but just make it to where donators can't use the stacker tool, but people with a higher usergroup given to people with RP reasons to have the stacker tool have perms.
  3. Adding cooking in general would be awesome, I miss the forest so much... there used to be so much civ rp to do +1

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