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Everything posted by sharkbait

  1. +1, always been helpful to me and others ive jumped on the server with. i think he will be a good staff because of his activeness, time zone and competency
  2. +1 helpful guy on the server, knows his stuff, always active so would be a good fit for the staff team, good luck uwu
  3. i tried out just about every faction now and i would just like to say that the marines could really benefit with some sort of Boat/Ship, the first question a new joiner asks when they request to be a marine is where is the boat lool. i think it would be a cool feature
  4. Character's name & rank: Derek Muller Battalion, 9th Kompanie | ⚔ | Kaisergarde | ⚔ | Rank: Stabsfeldwebel | ⚔ | Certs: MRK SteamID32: [U:1:1176302964] Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Claymore Explain why you were PK'd: For Rdm Why should you be un-PK'd?: im new to the game and didn't realise how easy it was to get PK'd, i got shot, panicked, and shot back. Additional Information: my KG character was pk'd for defending myself against military, they killed all my CO's after us leaving the base upon request, then shot me after i shot back. here is the clip that got me Pk'ed from reporting player. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2baPYr3LZn7Up8/PkEkTisfRnSC?invite=cr-MSxCSDQsNzIxNzA1NjUs?mobilebypass=true Witness statement : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Aeoreb97ozGqz8S9xZrgrsKTzQkXFMaaqpoaHrqpHXc/edit
  5. Your Name: Derek Muller SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): [U:1:1176302964] Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Militaroberinspektor Josef Dietrich How long is your ban for?: 1 day Why were you banned?:A friend and I was in a car about to go fishing after getting permission. The car then suddenly flew and clipped into a building we've never seen before. As we are new and curious we then explored and accidentally pressed 'Pantheon' I think? Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: New to game and didn't see this in game rules. Additional Information: I'm sorry I just want to play the game with my friends, didn't realise i was breaking the rules or where i was
  6. A friend and I was in a car about to go fishing after getting permission. The car then suddenly flew and clipped into a building we've never seen before. As we are new and curious we then explored and accidentally pressed 'Pantheon' I think? Suddenly someone pick us up and banned instantly which wasn't fair - we didn't even know what we did

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