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Everything posted by Marshal

  1. I believe this has been reported to UA/GA already, but I recommend also making a bug report in the main discord in #support-request
  2. Good Morning, I was the one who banned your character. During the event at the Reichstag on Saturday, we had an issue with members of the KG spamming voice lines during the event. I flew out and warned the group of KG present that if the spamming continued, the ones responsible would be PK'd. You then did another voice line, which was spotted by a member of UA who informed me to PK your character. With a proper apology, I think the PK could be rescinded.
  3. -1, I like the idea of an anti-criminal vigilante militia/veterans organization, but this post seems very low effort- plus I haven't or heard of y'all in the city. Criminal organizations should have at least some name for themselves before getting accepted.
  4. +1, already put those ruffians in the Archibald family in cuffs
  5. Reduce the Feldjager salary from 35dm to a more appropriate amount.
  6. As I see it, a two-week suspension is appropriate, and enough time has passed where a lesson might have been learned. Of course, if it happens again, an appeal would be much more difficult- but as it currently stands, I would approve of an unblacklist.
  7. Hello, I blacklisted your flags for flipping cars with props. I would have just issued a warning, but you had received a note for prop abuse within that month. Seeing how you were already warned, I issued the blacklist.
  8. Marshal

    Ban appeal

    Hey, I was the admin that banned you. You were banned for RDM, with your list of PO(s) and the apparent clip that was given. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/j0NLPfWcF18bmi87M/ZYhzagi1w5cG?invite=cr-MSxJZ04sMjUxMjkwMzc1LA
  9. Good Evening, I was the staff that conducted your PK. During this, four members of the NSB surrounded you, all pointing pistols at your head; in the time of your arrest, you not only sent an initial message of "woah" while being told you were under arrest, but you followed that with a radio broadcast saying you were under arrest. From what I observed in the clip, the agents very clearly reiterated the situation you were in. For reference, breaking FEARRP can be any action that fights against the wills of your captures, its taking your life into your hands instead of following commands or just obeying. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1179642532372680754/1302770118027378810/Untitled_video_6.mp4?ex=672952b8&is=67280138&hm=78f9422d9c3e6e5d8a178f9dd37b0debe598d706bec416e6325ebc8510f4a62f& Here was the clip provided, after review with a member of the Upper Administration the discord vc was deemed not to be LARP related.
  10. Marshal

    Unban Request

    Hello, in the future, ensure you put the correct Steam ID whenever you appeal your bans—but I was the moderator who banned you and your buddy. You and Mr. Terry A. Davis had raided the bank several times, dying and coming back afterward, killing and randomly shooting anyone inside. I had received several reports about the matter and witnessed it firsthand. Whenever I found, you were both actively mugging people randomly in the middle of the street. Upon my banning Mr. Davis, you instantly left the server. You already had a prior for NITRP, so that only helped to increase your sentence.
  11. +1 Good application, think he'd make a good addition to the team.
  12. Good Evening, I was the moderator who banned you. For reference, you were banned for killing a player during a sit and immediately disconnected. You have several Prior Offenses for ltap, and that was partly the reason for the extended ban. Looking through your appeal doesn't really help me understand much of what you're trying to say, but no one raised a weapon at you, nor was anyone around to prevent you from entering- you just entered and shot him. Have a nice day. - Marshal The incident in question, https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iuJpxEwufCsBvryDf/d1337MeaKQv1?invite=cr-MSxjaDMsNTcwODMxNzYs
  13. -1 I was a huge fan of his other servers; they were very successful, and we need that experience on the team.
  14. Please fill out the PK Appeal Format properly, you've given us no information that allows us to help you.
  15. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Marshal ( https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRealMarshal/ ) SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:197057786 Discord Username/ID: the.real.marshal Timezone: EST Age: 19 Time Played (check with !time): Server's down... but its over the required amount. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, some say I use it to much. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: DarkHussar Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Donzoko, Brownmeiser, Saito, Phoenix, Jack, DarkHussar, Lawson. Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and a brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Jannik Mueller, Minister of Finance - As Minister of Finance, Jannik Mueller is a member of the Federal Council and oversees the creation of laws for the Empire. As well as the creation of new businesses within the city and the sale of properties. During his tenure as Minister of Finance, he oversaw the creation of the new economy system and re-invented how budgets are allotted and taxes are collected. Felix Köstler, Administrative Police Officer - Felix is a member of the Administration Police within the Landespolizei. His official duties include teaching newer officers evidence collection methods and how to deal with different situations within the city; one of his other major duties is acting as a lawyer and prosecutor or the Landespolizei- He is undefeated. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've played Prometheus for around a year now, but played other similar servers prior, such as Revenant (RIP ) and other niche roleplay servers with 20ppl. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for, and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I don't believe so; if so, it's been a while. I have a good understanding of the rules. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have been staff on several different nutscript servers; including Prometheus, Revenant, Phoenix (Long Gone 40k server) Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I should be picked to join the Prometheus Networks Staff Team because my prior experience could be an asset to the team. During my previous tenure on the team, I acted as a reliable source of information to newer members, trying to teach and pass on information on how to deal with different situations within the server. I worked to not only onboard new members to the team but also mentor them so that they could be confident in their abilities. I have been around the server for a while, experiencing most of its factions and positions. This experience has given me a unique look into how most factions run, and I act in accordance with that experience while conducting my duties as staff. With my schedule, I am around throughout the night and at odd hours when staff are less likely to be present; during those times, I will be able to fill in and take tickets. I am very active on the server and have been for a while; I try to be as helpful as possible on and off the server, getting people set up and put in the right direction to enjoy the server. Additionally, I want to join the Game Master team and assist in creating different events and role-play situations for players on the server. I have worked closely with members of the Game Master team through war planning and my work as a Minister, but I want to further that collaboration as a member of the team. Overall, I think my break from the staff team has made me take a different look at the server as a whole. I have been a member of staff since the very moment I joined Prometheus when I transferred from Revenant. I believe I could help the staff team not only due to this previous experience but also all the other qualities I have to offer. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of a moderator are pretty simple. Your main duty within the server is to take tickets and moderate the community. This is usually in the form of taking tickets from the players and fixing any of their problems they may have or answering any questions they may pose. Off the server, you are expected to do somewhat of the same on the forums, taking an active role in communicating with the community and answering any appeals, important threads, or topics that might appear. As a staff, you are held to a higher standard than the normal player, and that includes your behavior in and out of the server. It is your responsibility to carry yourself with a good demeanor and walk into every situation with the understanding that your actions reflect the community at large. Of course, this can change as you go up the ranks within the team, with the assumption of more responsibility or duties as they may be assigned or requested, but having this understanding is the bare minimum. Notes:
  16. +1 Vixx was a good member of staff prior to him leaving for personal shit. While I understand the whole "reintegrate" with the community shit, I don't think it really holds a point to a long-standing member. Members of staff are supposed to be unbiased; he has a history of staffing on the server nonetheless.
  17. -1 Being trusted is only for members of the Whoreson friend group, you should know this.
  18. As former Co-Owner, Head Admin, and Server manager of 5 of Joe King's 17 failed servers in the last month, I can test that he is a good man- Maybe a little slow- but a good man. Honestly, we might pick him up as a Moderator while we're at it, he has a lot of experience.
  19. Honestly, a channel in the Community Discord would be pretty good as well (just like we had on Revenant, and I think they have on Diverge). It could be made a ticket system just like the support tickets that instead post to a new channel to advertise god knows what. Side note, there should be a channel in the main discord that posts all threads that are posted to the forums...

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