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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Too the NLR Question; "If you are a surviving witness, you are able to tell the people that were NLR killed what happened. This is all taking into account that your "memory" is refreshed after you died, by someone who witnessed the event that incapacitated you, or by someone who got informed by a witness." Too the validity of the Original scenario, Your weapon was away; "f the player with the weapon puts it away or turns his line of sight (meaning the player has completely turned away and is not even slightly facing you or has entirely shifted their focus away from you (this is usually at an angle of larger than 90 degrees)), FearRP will no longer be in effect and you may take this window of opportunity to retaliate with little to no risk. (This rule does not apply if you are being mugged by more than one person, as you may choose to retaliate if they retreat but you cannot request a PK on any of them)." Too the validity that you where in a too public place too mug; "You may not mug in a public place. You can; however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around). Ex: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area." Too the validity that this is an unapproved raid; "Raids performed on government buildings by approved criminal organizations are to be directly approved and overseen by a member of Upper Administration. Any raids within the above criteria that have not been approved appropriately and overseen by an appropriate member of the staff team are seen as FailRP and RDM for any and all individuals who die during said raid." Now, your weapon was put away when Lange called for help, When Lange attacked you with his fists it was done not following Fear RP however, that was done in the defense of a raid conducted by you without UA approval or any approval and you didn't fullfill the criteria either. the 2nd clip I haven't seen the full clip of you following them on your admin char which is a crazy statement, but clearly you didn't kill all of them and they utilized there NLR Exemption Rules done deal. As for being removed by Angel and Sharp I talked with them 2 or 4 hours after the situation ICly They said they believed it was a rouge member of KSD.
  2. Coffee; Hello, I am the RCSM within the KG for context; what Lang (Patriot) did was retarded, on multiple levels. However the Individual who took the clip, Initiated fear RP without a clear valid reason, He is not a policing agency and was before this incident considered rouge according to Sharp, as well Angel. Furthermore, this isn't an appropriate place to mug him Either considering it is an office with an armed guard in front of it and within a guarded compound, and a large amount of people lived too re-inform lang of the incident, as outlined in life rules and mug rules. Furthermore what he did could be considered a raid which can only happen with admin approval or appropriate larp, none of which where followed. this was clearly a minge char or otherwise an intended bait PK as I see it. +1 This app, Even though its written like dog shit. Ps. Running at him with fists was retarded. however, the incident shouldn't have happened in the first place if it weren't for this unapproved raid and this terribly orchestrated Fear RP initiation. PPs. For final decision I urge that you take this interpretation into consideration.

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