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  1. Hi so many things like we discussed within the sit, the man you shot was trying to leave the area in his car but someone was blocking him he reversed back and accidently ran him over. The civilian continued to block the driver from leaving the garage, when you came along and with no waring shot the driver 3 times. There was no attempt to tell the driver to 'STOP' or 'GET OUT OF THE CAR'; you killed him and that's why you were taken into a sit. Whilst in that sit we went over the situation on what happened and why you were in the wrong, you argued and denied the whole thing blaming it on the driver. I went over your previous notes and you had a huge build up of RDM PO's showing clearly you do not care on the rules even with the multiple warnings you have had previous as well as your ban history isn't much better as again its all for RDM/MRDM/VDM etc.. Then you decided to take matters into your own hands resulting in you killing the driver in the sit room hence why you got a 2 week ban and I will push for UA to extend it further. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ilcUYsGjzSxJ1fkBM/d1337F2rteHY?invite=cr-MSxiZHQsODA2NDIxMDgs
  2. + 1 some of you may not know him IC but I do he is great with the new members to the community helping them find factions to join or simply how to collect a pay check. Follows the rules and has no bans or warns.
  3. +1 great guy plays by the rules all the time. great to rp with! would be a great addition to the staff team
  4. +1 good guy great with the players on the server, would be great for the staff team
  5. +1 its a good idea, having a medical team within the heer
  6. Phoenix lit warned you for RDM on the 29th you had 4 attempts to clean yourself up and follow rules, you did not and then when you got into a sit with me and the NSB members you shot you were nothing but rude and in denial.
  7. Ok so I never pkd your char it was part of a rp situation which I tried to explain in the sit but you were just verbally being abusive to me and the person who reported you for RDM. You mad another char in the luft and instead of Role playing and getting your rank back you decided to go and shoot up the whole MOI, because your previous char got pkd. which is obviously MRDM. On top of this you already have several warns for RDM/MRDM/VDM as shown in the image below. -1
  8. have changed name and picture might have to re send for the image change but that has been done
  9. +1 good guy active a lot would be a good staff team
  10. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Badspider SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:843710951 Discord Username/ID: kingbongo0702 Timezone: BST Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): Your total time is 2w 3d 23h 56m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator/Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Doofles Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @Bowlpack @BAL Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Chefinspektor Josef Krimmler, Stv.Kommandant for the Sturmwäche. My job is to assist my chief with the day to day guarding of the VIPs that enter the city. When they are not on I used my dupes to conduct trainings and keep the Sturmwäche unit up to scratch as we are an elite guard unit in Berlin. Ministerialrat Aurther Von Hampton. Works for the finance ministry selling properties in Berlin for new and upcoming businesses; Aurther also has his own business selling quality food, drinks and cigars to the people of Berlin. Kommissaranwärter Ansel Becker II. One of the NCO's of Lapo I make sure the streets and people of Berlin are safe, from traffic management to stopping armed thugs raining hell in the streets. As well as making sure Lapo are preforming to there best and getting recruits in to keep the numbers strong. How long have you been roleplaying?: 4 years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Had a one day ban also for 'LTAP' but my computer crashed I didn't argue because it was only a one day ban. Next time I would make sure I am following server rules, which hasn't been a problem since receiving these notes, I make sure to think about the situation at hand if I am ok to kill someone if threatened in case it would be classed as RDM/MRDM. Fish mugging simple don't tie them up put them at gun point and wait for them to stop fishing. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? No, but I am looking forward to learn and gain experience if I do get a staff role. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I will be a good asset to the staff team because, being BST means I'm on a little earlier and it is always chaos! As no staff are on you have lot's of people running around killing for no reason etc. (talking from my own POV there too). So that will benefit as I can take early tickets and deal with problems earlier on in the day whilst I wait for more staff to roll in. I have been very active on the Prometheus server since joining from a friend, I didn't know what to expect but to me, the server is great to play and the community within it, I usually hop on early 18:00 BST and tend to stay on till 12:00-1:00am depending on work etc. I also like to help the new people to Berlin RP, sometimes people can't be arsed to show them the basics of the server like how to collect paychecks, what factions are good or how to join them so I'll usually show them around the map and explain on the way what everything is. Leading into the main question of why I want to become a staff member is, because of the enjoyment I get from the server I would like to be able to do that as a staff member so other players new and old keep enjoying this server and never feel roleplay destroyed by (minges) whilst playing the game. I would take the staff role seriously and if see a ticket I would halt the roleplay and assist in anything that is needed of me as a member of the staff team as it would be my role now too. I have never really been dedicated to becoming a staff member in any of the other servers I've played because I wasn't invested but with Prometheus, it is different as the community is good, and I would love to help manage it. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: From watching staff and having them help me in my situations I feel like the duties and responsibilities are more of a leader someone to set an example to other players that struggle to find there feet in the city and to weed out those toxic players who ruin the idea of the server roleplay because they want to minge about causing havoc and frustration for those who enjoy it. Following the footsteps of the higher moderators and senior admins I hope to learn more on the server and to learn key skills, watching the perform their duties as well as watch clips and make the correct choice in any situation I get put across as you don't want to ruin the experience for other players for being incompetent or making the wrong decision. Also to be fair no matter what happens example if a friend on the server was being a minge I would not or allow myself to treat them different because I know/like them they will be dealt with the exact same way according to what they have done. Being part of staff in a sum up is to be fair, helping, calm, non bias and 'leader' as without those qualities and many more I would cause more harm than good if I don't show these aspects. Notes: Thanks for the people who recommended me and I hope that this is enough to become one of the team!
  11. Steam Name: binladen SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:843710951 Discord Username/ID: kingbongo0702 Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 2w 1d 11h 13m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Cheifinspektor Josef Krimmler, Dept chief of the sturmwache, insuring men are doing there jobs correctly insuring VIP's are safe, recruits KG if needed to. Aurther Von Hampton, Oberreigerungstrat in the finance ministry, sells properties in Berlin has also opened a restaurant that sells quality cigars and food for the people of Berlin and is trying to get workers in. Kommissaranwärter Ansel Becker II, mass recruiter for the Lapo as well as keeping the people of Berlin safe and secure. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use this to help get recruits in uniform if no staff are on (in my time zone) which happens sometimes being BST people want to join KG but no staff are on to sort there factions/uniforms out. Staff Recommendations:

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