I see, apology's if you felt panicky. If you asked for a time out so you could catch your head I would have let you. But as for the ban you can watch it from the 2nd clip, once the Kommissaranwarter dropped you stopped shooting which in my eyes seemed like the 1st clip was from the intent of that, since he shot you and that your weapon was raised for about 3 seconds before shooting the Kommissaranwarter. I along with the "Laughing," you weren't necessarily laughing but it was heard in your voice when you were talking, and to me and the Kommissaranwarter it sounded like you were giggling for a bit and was holding down when you were talking. And from what you said,
If from that point you were feeling panicky was possibly the trembling from ones voice. Apology's if I made you like that.
But from the signs of the sit, I try not to take sides even if the evidence was all pointed to yes. I now understand that your story is much more then just Revenge RDM, even if the clip 1 was 45 minutes instead of 30 the timing wouldn't matter. All acts that are committed can be used as evidence so from the him shooting you to you shooting him, I felt it necessary to ban you for 6 days since from your explanation was rather poorly said. If the clip of him shooting you wasn't provided this act wouldn't have possibly made it to a ban. But I now see that a ban for 6 days is a little unnecessary but from the evidence I provided it can still show you being shot and then you shooting him. This is shown in his logs, the clip, and your logs. I will see about lowering your ban to now 1 day since 2 day ban would have been liked more then 6 days. I understand that from what you say is saying you didn't try to shoot him, but words are words. If you have clips that can prove ones innocence's say a clip of that Civilian, or you standing for a minute and readjusting.
Feel free to respond again, I'll see about lowering it to at least 1 day from now.
Have a good rest of your day.