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Jack last won the day on June 13

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  1. We already have Kfz 222s and half-tracks, adding tanks wouldn’t serve much of a purpose in Berlin and would be way too OP in civil wars. Maybe if frontlines comes back.
  2. Jack

    Pk Appeal

    Please use the template:
  3. civilians can already lease houses and start businesses, could you suggest something new that isn't already a feature on the server for civilian roleplay?
  4. Jack

    Ban Appeal

    You got told to wait 2 months before making a new appeal and it's only been a week
  5. Realistic and shouldn't be too hard to do +1
  6. Hey Vixx, I hardly remember you because I wasn’t around much back then. But I feel like you should’ve taken some time to adjust to the newer and improved community to re-grow your community presence to the newer members. I’m gonna be neutral until I see some other responses
  7. I worked with this man before, can definitely be trusted. Also a nice application +1
  8. Jack


    This doesn't make much sense and wouldn't really work out in RP. That's why we have bandages to stop bleeding.
  9. Missing both word counts and a requirement, you still seem pretty new and should take some time to work on your community presence and characters: For the time being I'm going to say -1, but hopefully you can change that in your next application.
  10. Jack

    Ban appeal

    Here's why I banned you; You were walking around the ICC and then called a ticket to be set up into the military. I transferred you in but was shortly informed by a Stabsfeldwebel that you were trespassing into the ICC and had not been trained. After I realized that you lied to me, I began discharging you. Then, you were tied up by Military Intelligence and intentionally left the server, as stated in the logs. Since your actions were not too disruptive, I decided to ban you for only 24-hours. You are already unbanned.
  11. I saw you guys grow in manpower and organization, and you also fixed the issues related to communism. Therefore: +1
  12. I like the theme; it makes sense and is straightforward, which is a positive. But you can't have all of your characters in it, only one. So, you're definitely going to need more people it it. I'm going to be neutral, leaning towards +1. I'll change my neutral to a +1 once you fix this issue.
  13. I helped Skipper fix the ban before you posted the appeal Since your main argument is that Skipper didn't provide immediate evidence, it is at Skipper's discretion to show you the evidence or not, even though he was kind enough to do so.

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