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your pocket hoovy

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Everything posted by your pocket hoovy

  1. no, it got removed for a reason, the playerbase is not fit for it
  2. +2 (im septuple obese so i count for 2 people and need chairs to sit on)
  3. make the Stacker Flag, people have to have PET flags for a week to get Stacker
  4. Description of the idea: Ghosting Props Why should this be added?: Anti Prop Minge, ghosts props that are frozen within people, disables prop damage (anti Prop Kill) What negatives could this have?: Cant prop push AFK Players Additional information: N/A
  5. I dont know about this.. old map was ON TOP
  6. man i used to know you in the old times, back in 22-23 did you just die?
  7. dieter luther been real quiet since this dropped
  8. although i like the old one better, this tablist makes sure no one can metagame whos in game, better for the server IMO
  9. straight up everyday occourance bruh lost like 25k just cuz of that
  10. In hungary all names Are flipped. last name before first names. doesnt make us into diff people, true.
  11. +1 dude got banned january of last year, doesnt even know why... give him a chance, he made a Forum Account after a year n a half
  12. Its present, right underneath and is black for some reason

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