Your Name: Krump
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:151831219
Staff Member's Name(s): Arrow
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): don't know but the char number he was on is 516
Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): staff abuse, RDM, Nitrp
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): (clip of incident)
Additional Information: I was on my Jacques Jasyarsest char and cravfe was on his jasyarsest char. We broke into the pantheon through legit RP doing /me's (as you can see in the image above). We got our truck loaded a ladder drove to the pantheon gate backed up got out the ladder and climbed up on top the truck with it leaning it against the gate to get over. We then went inside where all the doors were opened and unlocked and went into the office with the Lazer. Cravfe killed himself with it because he was going AFK so I stood up there a few minutes. I then went down to get a car and drive out and left the gate open. I took a lap around the city and drove back in and was going to close the gate when my car was then picked up tossed around, deleted, and the I was shot (as seen in clip above). He abused his staff power picking up and throwing and deleting the car then rdming me with zero roleplay and not saying anything. He then said in OOC a few minutes later that breaking into the pantheon is a bannable offense which is not true its nowhere in the rules nor has UA said anything expect for the button room is a bannable offense if you press one. If I was going to press the buttons I would have when I was already inside the building because the doors are unlocked 90% of the time. I'm not sure if he was aware we broke in legit or thought we glitched in but either way just driving in to the area with the gate isn't bannable or against the rules, so he had no reason to pick up my car and kill me.