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  1. +1 Dope guy, fun to role play with, and he makes cool things. Would be a good addition to the staff team.
  2. Your Name: Krump SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:151831219 Staff Member's Name(s): Arrow Staff Member's SteamID32(s): don't know but the char number he was on is 516 Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): staff abuse, RDM, Nitrp Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): (clip of incident) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jqIVrnxBVZ4YGi7YQ?invite=cr-MSw5dzYsMTcwMjUzMTM0LA Additional Information: I was on my Jacques Jasyarsest char and cravfe was on his jasyarsest char. We broke into the pantheon through legit RP doing /me's (as you can see in the image above). We got our truck loaded a ladder drove to the pantheon gate backed up got out the ladder and climbed up on top the truck with it leaning it against the gate to get over. We then went inside where all the doors were opened and unlocked and went into the office with the Lazer. Cravfe killed himself with it because he was going AFK so I stood up there a few minutes. I then went down to get a car and drive out and left the gate open. I took a lap around the city and drove back in and was going to close the gate when my car was then picked up tossed around, deleted, and the I was shot (as seen in clip above). He abused his staff power picking up and throwing and deleting the car then rdming me with zero roleplay and not saying anything. He then said in OOC a few minutes later that breaking into the pantheon is a bannable offense which is not true its nowhere in the rules nor has UA said anything expect for the button room is a bannable offense if you press one. If I was going to press the buttons I would have when I was already inside the building because the doors are unlocked 90% of the time. I'm not sure if he was aware we broke in legit or thought we glitched in but either way just driving in to the area with the gate isn't bannable or against the rules, so he had no reason to pick up my car and kill me.
  3. Krump

    meem staff report

    Your Name: Krump SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:151831219 Staff Member's Name(s): meem Staff Member's SteamID32(s): don't know Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): abuse of power, RDM Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jbxChGqmeBwpgyUjR?invite=cr-MSxEeVosMTcwMjUzMTM0LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jbxFDsNCMmEHkZu6Q?invite=cr-MSx4eU4sMTcwMjUzMTM0LA Additional Information: I was tabbed out watching something on my other monitor and I see someone come up to my car so I tab back in he says get out one time and before I even have time to react he deletes the car (not very rp friendly if he's actually trying to rp with me) so I just stand there and ask what he's doing he accuses me to be in on some kidnapping when I wasn't even playing for at least a good 5 minutes so I have no idea what he's talking about. He tells me to turn around ONE time that backs up starts talking to the other guy then turns back to me and says he doesn't have time for this and just shoots me. Not turning because he said turn one time isn't enough to kill me. I then make a ticket for rdm and he takes his own ticket and comes over to me (I wasn't aware it was a staff member until this). He comes over I said some retard killed me and he tell me it was him and basically just said I was pretending to be afk so that warrants my car being deleted and then leads to getting shot for no reason because there was really no reason in the first place to make me get out of the car. I was just making a ticket because I got rdmed and didn't know he was staff just wanted an apology from whoever did it, he didn't offer a comp or an apology for it and just blamed it on me because I "pretended to be afk" which doesn't matter because he still rdmed one warning to turn around shouldn't be enough to kill me for breaking fear rp. If you don't have time for this as you said and rp then why engage in coming up to a random guy in his car just sitting.
  4. Krump

    PK Appeal

    Character's name & rank: Jacques Jasyarsest SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:151831219 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Browniemeister Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP. I was driving by the military base behind a car of marines then bumped them and then they told me to stop and I did and then they told me to get out of the car while shooting it which I did for fear it would blow up then I take a few steps backwards and stand still to stay clear if it explodes because they kept shooting it. While standing still a guy from the right starts shooting at me hitting me and another guy is shotting from in front of me near my feet. The guy on the right keeps firing at me until he has to reload so I assumed he was just going to kill me once he reloaded so I back up and pull out my gun and kill him. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I should be un-Pkd because in the situation I did everything they asked me to do for fear of my life and was standing still waiting for them to put me in restraints posing no threat to them and the guy continued to fire at me for no reason. Additional Information:( My Clip) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iKqdsWqCXjFv32V35/d13378oW0pzU?invite=cr-MSx2UGgsMTcwMjUzMTM0LA (person who had me PKd clip) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iKqdDuDfeCFCuX1aw/EFFucA8AWtGV?invite=cr-MSxzdlAsMjczMTczODU0LA
  5. Me and another person found this a while ago and tested a few things. You cannot shoot through it from what we found when trying to shoot each other from under the building into it and under it to outside the area. Also, it seemed to only work when using a car to get through certain areas of the RS walls. However, we did find that by using a prop and having someone sit on it you can push people up through the floor into pretty much any room on at least the first floor we didn't try the second floor, but this is a whole other bug most likely with props that affects certain walls, doors, and gates around the whole map.

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