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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Slug

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Pinging @Cravfeas he was the one that extended the ban to permanent.
  2. Hello @ThirdEye, Thank you for taking the time to make a PK Appeal. While I agree that some parts of this PK fall below the typical "standard" (i.e. the witness report referring to the "Kriegsmarine"), these small discrepancies would not invalidate the underlying report/reasonings that led to your PK. I believe @Browniemeisterstated a lot of points well in why this PK was approved by @Prime and then carried out. Our PK Guidelines state that appeals are accepted on the basis that the PK did not follow proper guidelines, and while I believe some parts of this could have been executed better, the PK itself did adhere to proper guideline requirements. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to my DMs. Appeal: Denied Thread: Locked
  3. Wow. You really don't learn do you? Now you can reappeal in two months.
  4. Slug

    Un-Pk request

    Hello @Mrbeast, You were PKd by @Virus Please await their response.
  5. Slug


    Player has been dealt with. Thank you for the report. Appeal: Valid Thread: Locked
  6. Really? Let's take a look at the evidence.
  7. Denied The UA Team would like to see increased community presence from you on the forums, discord, in-game, etc. You may reapply in 2 weeks.

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