Your Name: HydroReel
SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:237870328
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Slickb (Extended by Hound)
How long is your ban for?: Forever
Why were you banned?: and I quote "You are a moron."
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Well I took a break from 1942rp to get my shit together, I admit I did take this game a little too seriously and went into a rabbit hole of staying up for nights on end playing. Reflecting on the shit that I did, damn was that corny. I really did write "I will not push the Pantheon Buttons." on a piece of paper over and over again. Coming back im not going to run around bothering George or being an annoying turd, I am just gonna go larp the government or something. Ive been a community member now since 2022 and I really want to come back to this genre. I am hoping you can let me return.
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