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  1. +1 I believe he can be a good staff member
  2. +1 I have interacted with this man multiple times with no complaints at all. He will be a good addition to the staff team
  3. Neutral I Haven't really seen you around, but other than that good app.
  4. +1 Has characters that can utilize trusted.
  5. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: ewo SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:598514829 Discord Username/ID: ewosore Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 2w 6d 16h 3m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: @Doofles Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @BAL Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Oberpolizeiinspektor Aaron Abel : He is apart of the Sturmwäche which is a guarding unit. My job is too guard everyone on the centurion list. Ministerialdirigent Felix Abel : He is apart of the Finanzministerium RFA-I, My job mostly consists of selling building/property's to people who are willing to buy a building to make it however they want such as a Diner, Weapon shop, or just live in it. He is also the Co-Owner of Hampton Restaurant & Zigarren which sells cigars and Food. He is also a lawyer. Assistent Hans Hunter : He is a judge for the Landesgericht, he goes to trials listens on what the prosecutor and the defendant have to say and from that he judges whether or whether not he defendant is guilty. Kommissar Josef Müller : He is a apart of the Landespolizei 12th Poilce Battalion which is a patrol unit. he gives orders to the NCO'S and Enlisteds to make Berlin a safer place to be in. Grenadier Hanz Schmidt : He is in the 7. Feldjäger-Brigade which is Military police he arrests people that would be a threat to the nation as well as listening to orders the CO's and NCO's have to give which mostly consist of recruitment. How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: RDM x2 : Didnt give them a warning without killing them I learned from my mistake and will now give out warnings. Punch Minging: I punched 2 people with my fists without a good reasoning so I got warned for it. I have learned from my mistake and now I will not punch people for no good reason. LTAP : happend quite a while ago but all I recall is that, I was in a jail cell and I didn't want to be in there so I just left. my way of preventing this will just to accept the RP situation and not leave the game. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? No, but I am looking for this to be my first. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe the reason why you should pick me is that I've been around this community for quite a while now, I first joined because I was looking for a server to spend my free time on and to have fun and I got to know quite a lot of people, I want to help better this community by making Prometheus a better place for new players and existing players by being active on the server and on the forums and by responding to peoples suggestions, trusted apps, staff apps, etc, and taking as many tickets as I can. as well as telling people what they are doing wrong and showing them what not to do next time as well as just helping people in general. Take my next step in the community by joining the staff team. Since I am trusted, I have learned quite a bit about nutscript and how to utilise it. In the past, I made a few mistakes and I've thought about those mistakes and learned from them. Since I am EST, I am very active during the morning and in the afternoon, In the mornings there are a lot of minges who are just looking to ruin people's time by walking around and RDM'ing, VDM'ing, and overall just ruining the RP I hope to get rid of this issue, as well as people who need their tickets/reports taken. I know how it feels when people need their tickets/reports taken but there are not always staff online and they have to wait in hopes for staff to take their tickets I hope to change that by making sure no one else will feel that way by taking their tickets and helping them to the max of my capability, as well as helping the new player understand how to play by showing them around. I am a fast learner and I am good at understanding issues which someone might be having, Overall I am competent and professional. I am only looking to better the community and player base. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of staff are to take tickets whether that may be about someone recruiting someone into their faction, them making a ticket because someone RDM'd them, and to answer and punish or teach the offender with no bias, answer questions that the person might be having such as where to get they're paychecks how to join different factions; etc, as well as to get rid of minges just ruining the server, as well as enforcing the rules on players and issuing out warns/bans to player just being a disturbance to the RP. Another responsibility of staff is just to check the forums daily and answer questions or respond to people's suggestions, trusted applications, and staff applications. Another responsibility is to maintain professionalism and competency 24/7 because you are an exact representation of the server. Being a part of the staff team also means making the community a better place overall and making the Roleplay environment better. Teach the newer players when they make a small mistake which does not include major rules broken not everything needs to be solved by a ban. If the new player understands his wrongdoings that is also good.
  6. +1 Seems like he can use trusted.

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