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Groove last won the day on February 18

Groove had the most liked content!

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  1. Thanks Alex this will help. Anyways! Have you ever listened to "Carnival" by Kanye West?
  2. I know so disappointing! Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove Edited just now by Groove
  3. Oh good thing I didn't do that, that would have meant I would have broken a rule @RoseDo better!
  4. Hi everyone my name is Groove and I'm a player on PRN.GG and I've really been enjoying the server as of late but. BUT I have been looking for some fun new ways to add fun new ways to the role play server by differentiating types of ROLE PLAY. If anyone in this community would like to give a suggestion on how to differentiate the role play of PRN.GG please feel free to post on this forum post! Thank you everyone!
  6. +1 Echo has an amazing work ethic and would be a great fit for the staff team!
  7. He is a really good person and should be staff
  8. +1 +1 I think this guy should be staff becase

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