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Everything posted by misterbaseball99

  1. We can make them happen. People have been talking about this for ages, It seems like there are alot of people that are more than willing to set up these events.
  2. I think things will change. Its just the Officers and Command Staff Have to organize stuff to do. If A lot of people are giving positive responses I think it will change
  3. Huge huge +1. I would like to bring factions together. And this is what brought us together. And game master events might even be more frequent and would overall make this server a much more fun experience
  4. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: misterbaseball99 SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:548056585 Discord Username/ID: rfk2024_ Timezone: PST Age:16 Time Played (check with !time): 4w 1d Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted):Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?:Yes I will Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Echo Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Echo Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Stabsfeldwebel Wilhelm Gangl: Wilhelm Gangl is the head NCO of the 212 Company in the Reserve Army. He is responsible for overseeing all enlisted personnel and other lower-ranking NCOs within the Army. Factions like the Luftwaffe and the Kaiserliches Heer have taken a great deal of respect and honor for this individual, as he is a natural leader and excellent marksman. He has been noted as a strong and loyal individual by his superiors and will continue to be one. Oberfeldwebel Dietrich Mann: Dietrich Mann is a member of the Kaisers Guard who has been serving for a long time. His skill sets, which include loyalty and leadership, have significantly impressed his superiors and fellow members. He has guarded the Kaiser as well as the president with great honor and loyalty. He has also proven his skills in combat, as an excellent marksman in whatever situation he is in! He possesses the power and skill to one day become a general for the Kaiser Guard, making it an inspiring and powerful experience for others. Assistant Xin Hue: Xin Hue is one of the oldest serving members of Tiny China. When Tiny China first started in a small little area near the Landespolizei station, Xin Hue was there from the start. Assisting Dr. Yamasaki Chan and Haramaji Chan. Since then, he has been running the business alongside Chan Wei, who currently holds the position of KAG president. He is never tired of work and will continue to run Tiny China and make an overall fun, tasty, and delicious experience for everyone in Berlin. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying for about a year, Early Jan of 2024. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have made a few foolish mistakes in the past, primarily because I was unfamiliar with the roleplay standards and lacked general knowledge about RP'ing. I had been banned for NLR back when I was an oberleutnant for the feldjagers. When the Lapo killed me, I reached out to my feldjagers, unaware that NLR even existed. The rdm notes was that I was just in a confusing situation and didnt have time to think and did it on impulse. Those wont be repeated again. After that moment I had started getting used to the roleplaying standards and the whole idea of it, as that was a wake-up call for me. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I was a staff member for the Nineveh networks before it had closed down. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Prometheus has become one of my escapes from this world. The community has really brightened me up as a person and taught me a lot about real-world problems and conflicts. Being a part of the staff team means that you have to be a good people person. When two individuals are engaged in a dispute over text messaging or any other conflict, The staff member has to know how to sort it out in a peaceful manner. Another significant reason I aspire to join the Prometheus staff team is my desire to incorporate suggestions from the community. Me being a larper for over a year, I have seen the problems of what people have and what they want. And sometimes staff isn't there to help him out. I don't intend to single anyone out, but there have been instances where I've received inaccurate information from staff, leading to consequences for myself and others. I want to fix this issue as I see a lot of potential in this server. And in order to keep that reputation, there has to be a good staff team. My leadership skills, as well as my problem-solving skills, can come in handy in these situations. Being honest is crucial in these types of conflicts. General knowledge and logic are also other big traits to have when being a staff member when solving issues and problems. Staff members such as Coffee, Layhee, and Echo have inspired me to become a staff member, as well as a few other ones, as I have been here for a decent amount of time. I am aware of the essential responsibilities of a staff member or moderator, including understanding the roles and responsibilities within them, as well as enforcing general punishments based on the actions of POs. In my opinion, a low number of staff members can lead to a server that is less active and has fewer users. Another significant benefit of being a part of the staff team is the friendships and bonds they share with each other. And now I feel like it's my time to experience this and become part of the Prometheus community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As a staff member, my responsibilities include demonstrating honesty and impartiality. This is crucial in an important situation between people, as there are huge consequences of breaking those traits. I also need to be able to handle situations quickly. Whether it's a minge going around killing random people or someone in a vehicle ramming everyone they see, you need to be quick. If you don't act quickly, they could ruin a big event intended for role-playing, ruining the fun. Another one of my responsibilities would be to be the big brother in a situation such as being a role model for other people in doing the right things. I will make sure that tickets will be answered quickly and fast so that the overall experience of the server is better for the people larping as well as mine; I will go beyond the minimum duties and expectations of a staff member even if it means cutting out my roleplay to help other people. I will be a proud representative of the Prometheus community, whether that would be on duty or off duty, and I will put in my maximum effort. Notes: Ave. Ave.
  5. Your Name: misterbaseball99 SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:548056585 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: The G Man How long is your ban for?: 1 day Why were you banned?: No reason Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was with a bunch of luftwaffe members and one enlisted rdmed 2 of us. I didnt have a clip at that time, All I remember was going afk after getting rdmed and coming back banned for nitrp and rdm x2. Additional Information: N/A
  6. Steam Name: misterbaseball99 SteamID32: 76561199056378899 Discord Username/ID: rfk2024_ Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1 week,1d 16hr44m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Oberleutnant Wilhelm Winter, Feldjager, Policing the Military and helping serve the kaiser. Grenadier Friedhelm Winter, Heer. Serving the military as the reserve unit ready to go into battle at any moment. NSB-Polizeiobermeister Frizt Heisenburg.Helping secure the Ministry Of Interior, and the people of germany, and ratting out communists. Volkswacht:Karl Heinz. Protecting the party(White Rose) and The Chancellor. Last but not least, Xin Hue. A senior employee at the finest cuisine in berlin, Tiny China. We help serve food around all of berlin, Fine and Fresh and quick. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I have been a CO in the feldjagers for quiet a while and I have recruited many people. It would be a lot more efficient for recruitment and promotions and transfers. I also would like use the trusted rank for tiny china and helping out Dr.Yamasaki Chan and other great members of Tiny China. Staff Recommendations: N/A

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