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Paku last won the day on September 2 2024

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  1. Minges would abuse it and civ rp isn't supposed to be a troll fest Neutral.
  2. They probably MGed So Ill probably get UNpked if I don't Ill be in touch with you.
  3. When you don't be on the server for 3 months you get removed from the rosters so It's completely ok to transfer, also It was 3 am for me I was tired as fuck because I was working before coming on and just wanted to play for 30 mins and get recruited, and I was threatened If I knew It was going to be a PK in the end I would clip everything, and from your side you were fully correct and lead the trial as professional as it gets, and they said I don't want no defense in my name without me approving of that.
  4. I wasn't in the game for 3 months on that char it's impossible and it was 2 am you know I just wanted to go to bed and he said Ill let you go after you sign this and he didn't tell what it even was, and actually I wasn't even a spy.
  5. They had no evidence besides the confession and with all due respect Vixx what would you do If a MGD member said Ill blow your brains out if you don't sign this, also even before he arrested me he said I know you were in the NSB before as a NSB-Polizeihauptdiener.
  6. Almost the same thing happened to me MGD has been wild these few days. +1 And that one that PKed you that's the same idiot Fisherman's Friend I know why he killed you because while they were taking me to a cell you said some dumb shit and Fisherman's Friend said you are next after we PK this Leutnant, so there's no reason why you shouldn't be UNpked.
  7. Character's name & rank: Horst Heusmann - Leutnant SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:220166301 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Vixx. Explain why you were PK'd: I was trying to recruit In Lentz's private guard (Ordens kommando), I followed the Ordens kommando chief to a recruitment room in the BB after that MGD came and found out I was a "spy" for the NSB which I never was, after that they left me in a room for one hour then transferred me to a cell, then a admin saw I was in the cell more than 30 mins and he released me I got to the ceremony and got my second medal, as soon as it finished Schaffler was there to arrest me again, he kept me in a cell for 2 hours after arresting me and gave me two options I sign a confession document for all the crimes I did containing: espionage, subversion of the war effort and I think that's it, or if I don't sign the document he well put me in a firing line an kill me keep in mind this is a MGD Major, after that he kept me in a cell for 1 hour waiting for a richter when the richter came they trialed me for 1 hour and I was so sleepy I didn't know what I was saying and tried to defend my self, and I got sentenced to life. Why should you be un-PK'd?: They Metagamed, Fisherman's Friend or as some might know him Schaffler saw that I had NSB roles for a departement that doesn't exist anymore and that how he figured I was a spy, or someone abused admin powers, In the trial he said he already have known that I was a spy because he found I was in the NSB before the Military but there's no way he could because I signed no documents while in the NSB so this is a classic MG or AA. Additional Information: N/A.
  8. Ehhh Interacted with him a few times while in MGD seems like a cool guy Neutral.

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