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Rose last won the day on November 22 2024

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  1. I heard repeating the Jack the Ripper murders is also a fun experience for all!
  2. Rose

    jagi's Ban Appeal

    Hey, it’s Rose, staff member that banned you. I banned you because you and three other players went onto a roof and began shooting everyone, regardless if they were shooting you or not. You went on to the roof top with those other players and upon the starting this RDM fest, you continued to assist them by killing individuals and coordinating with other players on where to shoot and who to shoot. However, with you having no previous bans for MRDM, I believe a small shortening of your punishment should be granted.
  3. Hey, it’s Rose, staff member that banned you. I banned you because you and three other players went onto a roof and began shooting everyone, regardless if they were shooting you or not. Not long after I receive multiple tickets regarding the RDM. After reviewing the logs, it showed you killed a total of 8 people over that last twenty minutes, 3 of them were all from the roof. Another fact is your notes and bans, that made it abundantly clear that you had MRDMd before and have been previously banned for it.
  4. Rose

    Ban appeal

    Hey, staff member that banned you. Both yourself and your friend willingly walked into the Pantheon knowing it's a restricted area. You stated it was your friend who pressed the button, yet you were both seen pressing the buttons and being within the room with the buttons. You also stated you told him it wasn't smart yet did not mention that to a staff member and when caught you were both giggling to one another.
  5. Hey, it’s Rose, staff member that banned you. After looking at your clip, statement and other people’s statements, it appears it was a misinterpretation. From a third party perspective it seemed as Gunfight between the MOI, NSB and LaPo and you just jumped onto it as a member of the Military possibly inviting more conflict. You were of course killed in that interaction, you then returned and came inside the Downtown Hotel with a civilian that also hopped into the gunfight as an opportunity to attempt to kill players, potentially breaking NLR to speak about the gunfight where you both spoke to each other about what happened and how many people you killed. It was then I banned you both. In conclusion, I believe I misinterpreted your intention here and shall have the higher-ups deal with this accordingly.
  6. I, Rose here, the staff member that banned. I, first while in noclip, I over watched you get into an altercation with a Police Officer, which resulted in you getting killed by them outside the PD, it was then even though you initiated that situation, you made an RDM ticket. It was then I teleported to you, it was then that in your spawn, you proceeded to say to another Military member, whom I assume was your friend. Say and I quote. "You wanna go back and kill that guy?" In which, I then proceeded to overwatch you and the other Military member go on a man hunt to find the guy. It was then you found a completely different member of the State Police and gunned them down in front of the PD. I then dragged you and stopped you both, in which you both got defensive and I informed you I was watching you, you procedded to stay on the fact you were innocent, which you were not. It was then I gave you a 3 day punishmentand the other Military member a punishment.
  7. Upon further investigation from myself and dawg, this document is not signed and also not the one given as evidence within the court trial. I will not comment any further on this, I will await UA’s ruling, if they wish to contact me, they can do so.
  8. You were charged with 2 Counts of Contempt, and as per the Standard Procedures, If the defence accumulates two or more competent of court, the presiding richter may terminate the trial immediately. In which I could then issue an immediate verdict, which to prior warning, was Guilty on all charges. You were within fair evidence going against the NSB and pushing your authority in clear retaliation. They disliked your power grab in AMT-I and disliked it even more when you came over to the GVZ m, as you wanted to throw your authority around again. In doing this, they did not hold a grudge or any thing of that sort, you were Subverting State Security by clearly undermining them constantly and Obstructing their Official Duties. I gave you plenty of chances to fix your behaviour towards the NSB and you didn’t, therefore you were trialed and due to how you handled yourself in court, we’re found guilty on all charges.
  9. Heyo had over the past couple days done various things that lead up to the charges. He the other day threatened several NSB to be detained over petty things and was detaining them over this. He was reported by several NSB Command for this, even the Generals, basically abusing his authority and being egotistical. He also stormed the NSB wing with an invalid warrant with the GVZ in attempt to “show them the authority of the Police Courts”. He was also reported that he was publicly stating his disregard for the authority of the NSB whilst patrolling around with the GVZ. On the 2nd Sept, whilst in NSB Custody, he was doing an Ideology Test, which he failed, it was reported that he “decided to act like a retard and start calling people names.” He was then, brought to a trial and was it was called into session, I followed standard procedures, aka calling into session, starting the rules of the rules. He during the introduction of the trial, kept speaking when it wasn’t his turn, I reminded him to not speak during this. I then continued and finished the introduction of the trial. He then decided to speak again and in doing so, I threatened him and said if he were to speak again, I’d find him in competent and guilty of all charges. He then of course, spoke again… The evidence against him wasn’t very strong and he most likely would of been given a demotion or a fine and released, but because of his contempt of court, he basically ruined his chances.
  10. Rose

    Flag Appeal

    Hey, I’m Rose, the staff member who gave second opinion in this matter. As seen as the clip you were seen abusing your flags to kill another player. It was also witnessed that you flung your vehicle. As Vixx mentioned previously, we spoke with you with it being two offences and have a previous history, it deemed appropriate to have your flags blacklisted. As for the accusations, please do refrain from that. If you have legitimate accusations and evidence, please do feel to make a player report or a staff report.
  11. On your statement of "It just doesn't seem like a real friendship story to me, as he was being harassed in the cells by his friend and all we did was try to help him get out but his "friend" was extremely rude and uncooperative" The foundation that even led up to this is that Paul, was taking me out of the NSB wing after questioning me. It was then he was stopped and detained and placed in cuffs. I was complaining about how I was glitched per say and that I was conga lined. I was uncooperative because I was being released and then was redragged into the cells.
  12. Hey, so I am Max Maelk the guy who of course killed you. The reason I requested this grief PK is that when you had detained me and had me in the cell, you shot an IC childhood best friend of mine, Paul von Trapp. In this instance, it caused my character severe grief. On the statement of you stating an "OOC" deal, that is not the case. I was involved in the conflict yes, but has nothing to do with the situation that led to von Trapp's death. On the other case, me being a Military General has nothing to do with this PK as the death of Paul von Trapp was before I was even a General and Goose can confirm, I've been attempting to get you for a couple days.

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