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Everything posted by Rose

  1. Upon further investigation from myself and dawg, this document is not signed and also not the one given as evidence within the court trial. I will not comment any further on this, I will await UA’s ruling, if they wish to contact me, they can do so.
  2. You were charged with 2 Counts of Contempt, and as per the Standard Procedures, If the defence accumulates two or more competent of court, the presiding richter may terminate the trial immediately. In which I could then issue an immediate verdict, which to prior warning, was Guilty on all charges. You were within fair evidence going against the NSB and pushing your authority in clear retaliation. They disliked your power grab in AMT-I and disliked it even more when you came over to the GVZ m, as you wanted to throw your authority around again. In doing this, they did not hold a grudge or any thing of that sort, you were Subverting State Security by clearly undermining them constantly and Obstructing their Official Duties. I gave you plenty of chances to fix your behaviour towards the NSB and you didn’t, therefore you were trialed and due to how you handled yourself in court, we’re found guilty on all charges.
  3. Heyo had over the past couple days done various things that lead up to the charges. He the other day threatened several NSB to be detained over petty things and was detaining them over this. He was reported by several NSB Command for this, even the Generals, basically abusing his authority and being egotistical. He also stormed the NSB wing with an invalid warrant with the GVZ in attempt to “show them the authority of the Police Courts”. He was also reported that he was publicly stating his disregard for the authority of the NSB whilst patrolling around with the GVZ. On the 2nd Sept, whilst in NSB Custody, he was doing an Ideology Test, which he failed, it was reported that he “decided to act like a retard and start calling people names.” He was then, brought to a trial and was it was called into session, I followed standard procedures, aka calling into session, starting the rules of the rules. He during the introduction of the trial, kept speaking when it wasn’t his turn, I reminded him to not speak during this. I then continued and finished the introduction of the trial. He then decided to speak again and in doing so, I threatened him and said if he were to speak again, I’d find him in competent and guilty of all charges. He then of course, spoke again… The evidence against him wasn’t very strong and he most likely would of been given a demotion or a fine and released, but because of his contempt of court, he basically ruined his chances.
  4. Rose

    Flag Appeal

    Hey, I’m Rose, the staff member who gave second opinion in this matter. As seen as the clip you were seen abusing your flags to kill another player. It was also witnessed that you flung your vehicle. As Vixx mentioned previously, we spoke with you with it being two offences and have a previous history, it deemed appropriate to have your flags blacklisted. As for the accusations, please do refrain from that. If you have legitimate accusations and evidence, please do feel to make a player report or a staff report.
  5. On your statement of "It just doesn't seem like a real friendship story to me, as he was being harassed in the cells by his friend and all we did was try to help him get out but his "friend" was extremely rude and uncooperative" The foundation that even led up to this is that Paul, was taking me out of the NSB wing after questioning me. It was then he was stopped and detained and placed in cuffs. I was complaining about how I was glitched per say and that I was conga lined. I was uncooperative because I was being released and then was redragged into the cells.
  6. Hey, so I am Max Maelk the guy who of course killed you. The reason I requested this grief PK is that when you had detained me and had me in the cell, you shot an IC childhood best friend of mine, Paul von Trapp. In this instance, it caused my character severe grief. On the statement of you stating an "OOC" deal, that is not the case. I was involved in the conflict yes, but has nothing to do with the situation that led to von Trapp's death. On the other case, me being a Military General has nothing to do with this PK as the death of Paul von Trapp was before I was even a General and Goose can confirm, I've been attempting to get you for a couple days.
  7. +1 Berte. It would be good to add medical armbands not only to the new infantry models but to the baseline models so DRK can be distinguished from others, instead of having to look like milkmen to differentiate from NSB.
  8. +1 Berte. Dude is active within the community, both in the server and the discord. I’ve seen him learning new responsibilities ICly and he’s handled it well. I’m confident he’s capable of handling a staff position.
  9. +1 Berte. Besides the eye sort of an application format, it's a pretty good application and the guy is active.
  10. -1 Berte. As mentioned before, You only have one character that could make use of the trusted rank. My feedback is to apply again once you get a second NCO character. As for your characters descriptions, they're pretty much all the same.
  11. Steam Name: elc.r SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:197732709 Discord Username/ID: elc.r Timezone: BST Age: 21 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 12h 0m. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and Yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: On the server, yes. On the Forums I am Semi-Active, I just sort of browse. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: DarkHussar Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Da Epic Goose Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Staatssekretär Mathaus Böckler - Kaiserliche Luftwaffe - A State Secretary in the Ministry of Air Defense whilst also an Oberstleutnant of the War Marshall's Guard, so ensuring his safety. When not doing this, he is managing the roster and administration forms. Kommissar Max Mælk - Landespolizei - Member of the Administration Office which mean duties include managing the roster, giving men orders and ensure mandates are upheld. KSD-Zugleiter Jörg Stauss - Kanzleisicherheitsdienst - Ensuring the safety of the Chancellors well being and their associated assets. Oberst Arthur Horst von Rose - Kaisergarde - Chief of Staff for the Kaisergarde, which manages all administrative tasks, including rosters, promotions logs, recruitment logs and so forth. Other duties include distributing orders to COs and NCOs to ensure the safety of the Emperor. Ministerialrat Berte von Rose - Innenministerium - Chief of the Interior Administration Office, which entails I manage archiving, citizenship, firearms licenses and general internal affairs. Stabsfeldwebel Thaddäus Schwarzenberger - Kaiserliche Heers - Head NCO of the Medic Company, which entails blood drives, medical checks ups and evaluations on members of the Military. Leutnant Oswin Pfundtner - MGD - Conducting investigations on members of the Military and taking reports and serving warrants if needs be. Arrikkusu Dekka - KAG - Chief Financial Officer of the TIny Tokyo, aka runs the financial ledgers whilst also running the store with the CEO and other employees. How long have you been roleplaying?: Since 2018. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? One note for RDM on the 13th Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I was previously an Administrator for Prometheus Networks and also a Game Master for 4 months (27/02/22-29/06/22) I've also been staff for other servers such as Historia Networks (05/09/23-31/10/23). What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: A staff member is responsible for maintaining order and ensuring a positive experience for players. The duties include providing assistance to players in need, weather that may be model changes, rank updates or further. Another duty is issuing reasonable and legitimate punishments when necessary and participating in staff training to improve their skills. I would also be expected to be knowledgeable about basic commands, in which I do from previous experience as staff and from being trusted. With my experience and proven reliability via my trusted, I'm confident in my ability to use basic commands with ease. I also have a strong understanding of server logs, which I believe is vital for effective server management. They must also keep up a neutral opinion, even if they’re getting upset. They also have to keep those who break the rules away. Staff are the people in the community look up to, and it’s important for them to keep happy relationships with the player base, to avoid any further issues. By combining my technical knowledge with my commitment to delivering exceptional player support I understand the fullest extent of duties and responsibilities of a staff member. Notes:
  12. Steam Name: elc.r SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:197732709 Discord Username/ID: elc.r Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 3d 21h 19m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Oberleutnant Mathaus Böckler - Kaiserliche Luftwaffe - Member of the War Marshall's Guard, so ensuring his safety. When not doing this, he is managing the roster and administration forms alongside some war planning. Kommissar Max Mælk - Landespolizei - President of the Administration Office which mean duties include managing the roster, giving men orders and ensure mandates are upheld. KSD-Zugleiter Jörg Stauss - Kanzleisicherheitsdienst - Ensuring the Safety of the Vice Chancellors well being and their associated assets. Major Arthur Horst von Rose - Kaisergarde - Chief of Staff for the Kaisergarde, which manages all administrative tasks, including rosters, promotions logs, recruitment logs and so forth. Other duties include distributing orders to COs and NCOs to ensure the safety of the Kaiser. Regierungsrat Berte von Rose - Innenministerium - Chief of the Interior Administration Office, which entails I manage archiving, citizenship, firearms licenses and general internal affairs. Stabsfeldwebel Thaddäus Schwarzenberger - Kaiserliche Heers - Deputy Chief of the Medic Company, which entails blood drives, medical checks ups and evaluations on members of the Military. NSB-Polizeihauptmeister Oswin Pfundtner - GSD - Conducting investigations on members of the State and taking reports and serving warrants if needs be. What will you use the trusted rank for?: It would be great to help assist the pool of recruitment as there are many times when I play and there isa lot of times staff are busy elsewhere. There are a lot of fun people on the server and it would be great to make sure that we are all able to play the game without any unnecessary issues. Staff Recommendations: DarkHussar, Seiker

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