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Posts posted by Helsing

  1. 16 hours ago, LordVague said:

    Look, I would appreciate another shot; I understand that I made alot of dumb ass mistakes, but like at the end of the day you know I bring some fun to LARP. Just give me a chance, and if I get a note for literally anything perma me again, I will do better.

    I find it curious how you are making these promises to follow all of the rules again when you said "if you follow the rules 100% of the time on a GMOD server you're a retard"
    Then you timed me out and banned me

    Here's a screenshot: 
    Context: I joined the server from the screenshot here: 

    Same pfp btw ^v

    16 hours ago, Helsing said:

    "i'm doing it again" -LordVague 💀

    Once I was in I asked
    "So let's be real, how can the player base trust the server owner if he can't even follow the rules on another server"

    I brought that up and wanted an actual reply because I thought it was radicicolous that you would run a server after being banned for what is essentially cheating, your powergaming ban, which resulted in another player being unfairly Pk'd

    It's odd how you are begging to be unbanned on the condition you follow all the rules when you clearly did not feel that way when I brought it up 

    Edit: Btw the context you asked for is the ban itself, You got banned and almost out of compulsion made a server out of a temper tantrum fit right after. There was not conversation prior in that chat you just made a new server

  2. I commented because it came into question you ran a competing server after begging to be unbanned swearing to never do it again.
    Then lied saying it was a sandbox server, which it wasn't. 


    Here's you making several larp discords. For Comparison here's your steam profile taken at the time. 
    Same pfp.
    Call it a "coincidence" and it "not being you" But I'll let other's make their own opinion

    • Devastated 1
  3. Not sure what other context you need...your original ban was on the 9th of August. Same day you sent out an invite to a WIP LARP server. If UA asks for it I can cite my sources on who provided that second screenshot and additional screenshots I have

  4. spacer.png

    4 minutes ago, LordVague said:

    To be entirely fair, I never asked anyone to send invites, Frosty is frosty... as for the second screenshot I would have to verify who that is and the context not much there really.

    Here is another Screenshot of the original server name before you changed it. You even gave him admin roles. See server name in bio

  5. 10 minutes ago, LordVague said:

    Which I stated above ^, and like I said it was a server to mess around on while I was banned its not my fault that troll started inviting people, which after I privated the server. I wasnt launching a whole server, that would be retarded of me. I do apologize and would like LARP again. And I apologize for my first affirmentioned ban as well. At the very least if not a ban revokation, maybe a potential reduction? I would really appreciate it!

    Troll was inviting people?....are you sure? 
    Here's a screenshot of your staff inviting me to your server

    Here's another Screenshot of you inviting people to, what is clearly a larp server. Not some random nothing sandbox
    "i'm doing it again" -LordVague 💀

  6. -1 

    I went to your discord to observe and you seemingly took it very seriously giving several updates on lore and individual discords for your server factions. Even mocking Hound when he banned you. It was much more than "a few friends flinging cars and killing each other"

    I wouldn't want to play with someone who frequently lied to the community and staff.

  7. Hi, I'm commenting as the reason you were banned was because I was continuously RDM'd by you and your friend. 
    I made a player report a little over two weeks ago, which  will link below for you. It was late at night and I had joined to see the new additions brought to Prometheus(drugs and the casino games)
    But for some reason myself and another player were hunted down several times to be killed. 

    The player report

    I understand this is confusing for the sudden ban but I hope the clips in the player report explain the circumstances for you ban.

  8. Hey, @Vale
    Thanks for taking my ticket in game. I initially made the ticket to have the post removed but you went above and beyond to help another player, far exceeding expectations!
    Your professionalism and efficiency was greatly appreciated, thanks again bud!

  9. I feel like with the stun function it would open the door to minges to abusing this function on other players.

    Granted trolls can abuse anything, but a feature that would slow or completely stun another player is something I believe needs more forethought before introducing.


    For the most part I am mixed on this, as arresting players isn't always easy and LaPO may make use of something like this



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