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Everything posted by seal

  1. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    LMAO nobody is begging, i just wanan come back to troll but saying i smell like that is sorrttaa weeeeirddd
  2. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    can say the same to you whoreson you fucking cunt
  3. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    i never encouraged anything... like i said, i stayed away from that stuff, the reason being is i didnt want to be apart of it, so thats no way me encouraging or allowing anything.
  4. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    yeah, i did use it lol but i had nothning to do with thye devolpement either, i just was simply there for the ride
  5. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    ive never said any of that, i stayed away from that stuff so it wasnt me who said any of that
  6. seal

    seal's ban appeal

    Your Name: seal SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:634073286 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute Which staff member banned you?: hound How long is your ban for?: permanently Why were you banned?: community exile Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i didnt do anything wrong, i just was apart of another server and yall didnt like it so yall chose to ban me... but then you unban lord vague. Additional Information:

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