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Posts posted by dawg

  1. Hey, Thank you for using the forums. 

    To make things clear, I was not trolling at all. I created a new character and you offered a handout, I said I wasn't interested then asked someone to recruit me moments later and they did. As to the situation regarding your car (It was in the middle of the path to the fishing pond.) I moved it with my Physgun and my scroll speed was maxed out. I apologized and explained it to you and you tied me up, I allowed you to get the information you needed of me due to my understanding of your confusion. I also asked if you needed any help regarding the situation, Since it was purely an accident. There wasn't a moment here where I was trolling nor was there a moment where I abused my staff permissions. But i understand and appreciate your concern. Once again Thank you for using the forums. Maybe explain further into how I've been trolling for "The past hour" considering I just made the character and was on call with my girlfriend fishing up until 10-15 minutes ago... Nice try. I made this character with full Intent of Roleplay, As off right now I'm interrogating somebody in the Military Cells. 

    PS. I respawned myself because I was frozen after you tied me up whilst I was fishing...

    also thought it added some context to say, There was reason, And there was an apology aswell as information regarding it entirely. After I told you, you said "Heh, I'll be seeing you soon buddy" 

    36 minutes ago, Roosters said:

    He threw my car without any warning or reason. 

  2. Hello, I was the Administrator who banned you.

    You were held in NSB custody and had signed a confession affidavit admitting to illegally transferring. You then decided that without any context to anyone, to type “kill my selfs” (or something along those lines) into the chat and proceed to leave the server. You then join back and delete your character and try joining the exact same faction despite it being stated in the rules not being able to join the same faction immediately after a PK. (However you were never PK’d as you managed to avoid it by LTARP, making it difficult for me to hand out the appropriate punishment).  

    The problem here wasn’t that you tried to suicide PK. It was the fact that you tried doing so with no weapon, no cyanide pill, tied up in a cell with NSB watching over you, with 0 effort in attempting to even contact an admin regarding the PK. You took matters into your own hands and then proceeded to lie within my sit room saying “you weren’t tied up”. 

    I must say your apology is pretty valid and It made me laugh a bit, So I can appreciate you making the effort to admit just genuinely being in the wrong here, I suggest reading up on the rules if you are really enjoying the Prometheus RP experience. 

    I think maybe I might have been a little too harsh with my punishment today, However my choice of punishment was mainly revolved around how you went within the sit. If you are truly sorry then i believe you should be pardoned from this ban, however i also request in the future that you read the rules to avoid instances like these. I also suggest maybe putting more effort into your appeal if you’re hoping to be unbanned before a weeks time.


    Hope this helped.

  3. Hello, It was I who issued your PK.

    When it comes to court PK's the only reason a court trial would be overturned is for two reasons. 

    A). The court trial killed you for something you actually had 0 involvement in. 

    Your character was openly mass detaining NSB individuals with no reasoning hence the charges.

    B). The court trial did not have proper jurisdiction. Eg. A member of the Interior being trialed in military courts. 

    To address this in order. 

    A). The court trial was completely valid in reasoning and was executed correctly in roleplay. 
    B). The court trial had proper jurisdiction. It does not matter if you advertised for a party courts or not. 

    The interior courts are established to trial interior members. All interior members are party members. 
    If the Interior could not trial there members because they all had to go to party courts there would not be a interior courts. 
    Kangeroo courts as Aurelius said are an IC issue. 

    Your trial was legitimate and there was valid RP to justify a trial. 
    Best of luck but I maintain my ruling. 

    It is well known that you may be trialed within the Police Courts as per the soul reason they exist. Even though you are a party member, All interior members are 

  4. Hey, I was the Administrator that approved the PK. 

    You crashed into the LAPO car and flipped it over whilst speeding, You were then put under arrest by the Landespolizei (Completely Valid Arrest). You thought it would be in your best interest that whilst having numerous weapons pointed at you and being told you're under arrest, To radio for your faction informing them you were "being kidnapped". The LAPO then had a reasonable response to that action by shooting you.


    In this situation you broke FearRP, This is one of the most common forms of FearRP PK's. If you had a gun in your face you would NOT radio in. You took the risk and unfortunately the LAPO managed to catch on and issued a PK. I suggest reading up on the PK guidelines to prevent things like this in the future. 


    PS. in the future dont go into a sit and start disrespecting people who are enforcing rules by calling them minges, FERN is an active player on the server with multiple high ranking characters and definetly not a minge. 

  5. Hey, I've been noticing a lot of people recently have been applying for staff without the help of a staff member. It's always good to have someone you can talk to about your application for advice and better chance at being accepted. 

    I'm making this thread as a way for staff members on the recruitment team to find more people as well as members who wish to find a staff member to help with their application.

    I'll start off by giving my own information to be contacted with.

    DISCORD: dcinq

    Feel free to contact me for anything staff related.

  6. Hey I was the staff member that banned you.

    Could you send your SteamID so I can see the clip I have to refresh the step by step process of your ban so I can respond to this properly.

  7. -1

    it sounds cool and all, but the effort that will needed to be put in into changing the day isnt worth it. lighting would be scuffed and theres no need for a night time unless its during the more dead hours to add realism. i just dont see a point in adding this unless there was some actual change that influenced the server. sorry.

  8. Hey I was the staff member that banned you. 

    You had a couple of tickets made on you by different people. When I went to check on who was doing it and just asked why you shot them, you then open fire and kill 2 people. This is MRDM. 


    I admit I should've taken you into a sit but when you were shooting people in the streets for no valid reason as I had witnessed, I reacted as quickly as i could.


    Here is the clip for reference: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/isQC91w9HikUlUE_T/d1337hyXIjxY?invite=cr-MSxFcEwsNzA2MjQxOTYs

  9. MAJOR +1

    I've known KIX since my start on Prometheus, He's a good larper and cool guy.

    KIX has demonstrated across numerous amount of times in LARP, that he will never take a responsibility without upholding his duties. That's why I think he'd be a great staff member who is willing and definitely looking forward to learning and evolving to be the absoloute best he can be for his position. KIX is dedicated and loyal towards Prometheus Networks and it's playerbase. I'm positive he can help build our community alongside our fellow staff. 

  10. 2 hours ago, picklejuice78 said:

    slug said i dont have to bake one and he said i dont have to listen to any lower administration

    you seek the empathy of the people from this community, yet you wont do what it takes to please them and earn their forgiveness. You can use as many excuses as you want but baking a cake is not impossible. If you're really committed to seeking an unban. Give Prometheus and its community a tribute.


    Bake That Cake.

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