One of the things that make the Land Police faction unique is our car with the sirens. Frankly; you can not compare the Feldjagerkorps and the Landespolizei in terms of their policing needs.
1) Whilst they both have the abilities to make arrests, The Feldjagers are more of a hunting unit (They are literally the Field Hunters) that make arrests on the spot with little trouble. If you evade them? They'll just wait till you show up back at the base and slap you in cuffs, or go to whatever faction you deserted to and slapped you in cuffs. They're a faction that relies on manpower (Be it their own, or the heer, etc assisting them.).
2) But the same can not be said for the Police, which actively needs to chase down fleeing suspects (And that is 70% of our job, honestly). The Police is based around organisation, NOT manpower. Everyone knows that if a siren comes on, it is the Land Police trying to pull you over.
3) There is no realistic basis or need for this. Perhaps in a frontlines roleplay, there could be some flashing lights in an entirely Feldjager policed area (Even that seems a bit redundant) but in the city of Berlin, the only vehicles that should have sirens are the emergency services. This is how it works in real life, and this is how it would make sense to work in a RP setting
I think that giving the military a vehicle that's only difference from the regular kubelwagen is the sirens is silly, because you'll get Feldjager traffic cop larp around the city of Berlin (I guarantee they would not stick to the ICC). It is a gateway to mingery and is honestly not needed, as it would only detract from the Landespolizei.
No hate to the suggester, but I think this idea should be struck down