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Baldwin IV

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Everything posted by Baldwin IV

  1. STEAM_0:76561198888802074
  2. I said that im gonna fuck someone's sister and slickb just broke his character and banned me infront of like 7 people without even giving a chance to explain myself or even ask why i said it or any other question
  3. Your Name: Baldwin IV SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561198888802074 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Slickb i think How long is your ban for?: PERMA Why were you banned?:Saying something bad(not the n word or anything racist) Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Because i wasn't serious of what,i said and i said it as a joke not anything serious.I have played this server since 20th july 2023 and im not a new player you know what im saying.I know Donzoko,we've talked together before(Idk if he stil remembers me cuz it's been a long time since i talked to him)I played when there was the salute and i have participated in war games and events.Im even Gefraiter in the KG and i was going to be Obergefraiter soon.So yep I'm sorry again for saying it and if you unban me i will never repeat what i said

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