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Everything posted by localshowershitter

  1. Frontlines, Frontlines is the biggest reason not to mention there is almost zero Heer infantry sub factions thats why today and even a year ago the Heer has constantly struggled with maintaining a recurring player base they simply do not have divisions people want to constantly come back too, Having sub factions like foreign volunteer squadrons would enable the chance to have larger war games, give the Heer a edge in the frontlines and just add a new branch and choices for recruited players to join.
  2. Sorry for the late response but i was busy attending to irl matters but regardless of the timeline other divisions could be added such as Czechoslovakian, polish and other foreign volunteers note; i mean volunteers not directly recruited by the Wehrmacht people all across Europe enlisted in the Wehrmacht even before WW2 officially began. So it would be very fitting for the 1940's time to see divisions of Foreign enlistees.
  3. Description of the idea: I was thinking of adding different ethnicities and varying separate Heer divisions for them for example a Polish Volunteer squadron also i think to encourage this the following ethnicities should be added: Lux, Belgian, , Spanish, Czech, Ukrainian. Why should this be added?: It adds more roleplay value and adds another branch into the Heer, Plus it would just make the Heer more appealing to third parties. What negatives could this have?: I could see the Volunteer divisions going underpopulated but i think as long as competent NCO.s/CO's advertise and recruit it shouldn't be a problem Additional information: The pictures that could go on their sleeves:
  4. Any game clip would prove this false. I shot and killed a civilian after he ran over and attempted to kill my NCO. Not only did I wait for confirmation, but I only shot him after my NCO said, "Execute this man." As for the other 2 people I killed, they were different people, 2 different people who, from my perspective, were beating a civilian to death. If it were actually such a big problem, I killed 2 people who were idiotically beating someone to death without reason. I think my NCO would have told me, And maybe instead of calling me an idiot, actually give me a reason for why I was banned, or maybe a sit, at least I had zero chance to tell people why I killed three people, and it only skipped to the worst-case scenario; not even my fellow patrol mates had any idea why I was banned.
  5. Pedophila isn't funny dude i dont think in any context that would be justifiable
  6. Your Name: SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:76561199433832481 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Luc Jasyarsest How long is your ban for?: 5 days Why were you banned?: I guess for rdm? Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First and foremost, I was banned for following orders my NCO told me, or at least that's what I hope, because the only other offense I committed was killing a civilian who was killing people in the subway while me and my NCO were looking for recruits. I was given zero warning. I only killed three people, one out of defense and order by my NCO and the other two to save a civilian from being rdmd, And instead of telling me the offense i committed to be banned for 5 days the admin just wrote idiot like that will somehow enlighten me on what i did wrong. Additional Information: Due to me not being able to insert the image of him just calling me a idiot as the reason i will gladly DM it to anyone who is curious. Honestly I'm not mad at Luc i understand why he did what he did but I'm afraid he needs to not jump to the worse case scenario when he sees someone defending themselves.

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