Dear Staff,
Character's name & rank: Unterstaatssekretär Lenni Shmitz
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:571815153
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Hound
Explain why you were PK'd: Lying about using trigger bot
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I should be un-PK'd because that character has a good reputation on the server and is involved in many parts of the server.From working my way up in the ministry of procurement to being a goofy deacon for a mega church. I also am a public defender. I worked with people from every branch in the server and made alot of friends. This is the only character I care about. The only reason I would get on the server is to play on Leni, I put way to much time into the gun selling deacon lawyer to do much else. I don't blame you for banning me but I do see the PK as unreasonable. The use of a PK is usually in an RP sense and mine was for punishment.
Additional Information: I hope you take my appeal into account because I come to you with hopes of having my character back when I return in a month. I have no ill feelings twards any staff and just want this to be a chapter in my time on the server. I sincerely apoligise for my actions and hope to be able to return.