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  1. Whatever

    PK Appeal

    Character's name & rank: Albricht von Klenzendorf Rank: Major SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:96363800 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Layheee(possibly) Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP I was in the backseat of a car with one of my enlisted men driving it. He accidentally hit a pedestrian. The pedestrian was an NSB agent and he had 3 other NSB agents with him. They started confronting the driver, and then brought their guns out and immediatelly started shooting, starting a gunfight. Me and my enlisted man stepped out of the car, and the enlisted shot the guy that started the gunfight. I only brought out my weapon AFTER the gunfight started, so I didnt break FearRP. FearRP doesnt apply anymore if they start a shootout. I shouldnt have been PKd here and the only person who fell under PK guidelines was the NSB officer who started a gunfight and died. I spoke with other people and they think the same, even a UA member thinks the PK wasnt justified. Additional Information: (their clips as proof) https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/ib2FPf8x7DPGa_37W/fpT80SV8TTVw?invite=cr-MSw5cTksMjA3MzMyNzc4LA?mobilebypass=true https://medal.tv/de/games/garrys-mod/clips/ib2FPppxubjeQnDxD/8z8GEeglRLLs?invite=cr-MSxieU8sMjc3NzcwMjQs?mobilebypass=true

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