Hello HellHound,
I was the staff member that PK you and got approval from @Mr History.
You were PK'd because you Broke FearRP while 5 military members were holding guns at you, detaining you and you tried to kill them but died in the process. (the evidence is below)
Another thing is that regarding the PK guidelines that you brought up, "One may not purposefully subject someone to a situation in which they would fall under Valid PK Guidelines". I think you are a little confused about this as this means that you can't bait people into a PK for Example: Using OOC means bringing someone into the city to get them killed or Getting someone to move and then shooting them after moving to get them PK'd for not following orders while not under FearRP. For the other rule, "One may not PK someone for simply doing their Job". I think you are confused with this one, too as it means that you won't be PK'd for doing what you were ordered to (depending on the order) or guarding a meeting. After all, I hope this helps you understand the PK guidelines better.