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Spooks last won the day on January 21

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  1. Netural Im fine it being lowered to two weeks P.S. Mouth Breathing goes crazy
  2. +1 After talking with the dude and getting to know him, He seems a good dude that is willing to do anything when he puts his mind on it, and I feel like He should get a chance on staff as not only he his competent, he also wants to prove himself in the community
  3. +1 Great guy to talk to, and would highly recommend for staff
  4. +1 Would make Excellent staff, Very competent for the position
  5. +1 Would Make Great staff, does very well in RP
  6. +1 Know him for a long time would make a great addition to staff
  7. +1 Recommend for staff and has played the server for a long time.
  8. +1 Would be a great staff member. Has a lot of potential.
  9. +1 Would Recommend for staff. He is reformed and interactions with him were great!
  10. +1 Even though his ban record is bad. He is a great role player and I have feeling he would be great staff.
  11. +1 Talked to him even tho his warns are recent he seems reformed and was really respectful
  12. We could make it where only NHCs has phones
  13. Description of the idea: A voice device that the NHCs would use to call other NHCs without any problem opens a direct line of communication, thus encouraging cooperation and speedy responses. Long ago, the Telephone was added to this server earlier and was the most common communication device. I don't know why it was removed, but I feel that it can be brought back again Why should this be added?: To help enhance RP, instead of DMing people to get on, they can call them. Not only that, but you could also do the GM events, such as getting a call from the front lines or getting a call for Lentz next meal (JK). What negatives could this have?: People can abuse the phone by spam calling NHC offices, but that's it Additional information: Idk why it was removed
  14. +1 Great Role Player and would make great staff

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