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Everything posted by TomRist
Thanks for your input, and that was a while ago, I never said I dont have a y PO, i said I have NOT and EXTENSIVE PO. Eitherway, I also said what I had to say
I disconnected on purpose, as I was upset for what LAPO and you did to me and my guy, as I was mad I disconnected as I thought would be better, but again, it was the heat of the moment and I am sorry for that. I never said I did it by "missclick" or something.
Love how you dont show your interaction with me... eitherway I never claimed I did not "accidentally leave" or anything lol. I falsely accused you of 0 things. Literally 0 false accusation, you jut love playing victim card on the forums, but oh well, nothing I can do about it. I already said I apologise for leaving as it was the heat of the moment I thought it was a good idea, not sure where you saw me claiming I did not mean to leave. I already said why I think a reduction would be fair. I am a player with a decent record, no extensive POs, and LTARP bans , are never 14 days, no even for people who mass rdm, go to the server and mass rdm, then ltap, they don't geta 2 week ban, I believe its unfair that I got a 2 week ban for LTARP
The thing is that is false. Chief and I were talking about who detained my men, I was telling him who it was, he told me he was gonna look into it, and that when you arrive hysterical, and ye you knew it was me and all. eitherway, I don't see the point talking about this as the subject ain't your approach to me, think I said what I had to say in the thread, Im not saying I didnt LTARP, im saying I am sorry for doing so as it was the heat of the moment and I thought it was a good idea that it was not. Not asking to lift the ban, I get it if it not lifted, Im asking for a reduction, to like 2 days or so. 14 dayss for LTARP is ridiculous, not even mass rdms, extensive pos or anything like that get a ban this long
When you harrass all my characters for OOC reasons, even on your staff character, sorry to say but that isn't roleplay, its being obsessed. detaining me inside MOI when I was talking to LAPO, and when an NSB high rank let me in for a witness statement. Eitherway, Im not the guy with a problem with you, you are the guy with a problem with me, you are the one who loves to harrass my characters for ooc reasons, mentioning ooc stuff. You are the one who creates and spreads rumours about me to as many people as possible not me. Eitherway, I AM SORRY for LTARP and ass I said a 14 day ban, I honestly think it is too long
Your Name: TomRist SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:57559641 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Slick How long is your ban for?: 14 days Why were you banned?: LTARP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Perhaps I don't deserve to be unbanned, however, I apologize for the LTARP it was not the best choice. It was a reaction to seeing unfair harassment, planted evidence and all. I am sorry. However, an LTARP ban for 14 days, I believe is very unfair. Not even mass rdms or worst-rule breakers get this amount. I believe it would be fair to reduce or even a lift of the ban, but a reduction of the ban would be the fairest thing to do. I apologize for LTARP when detained. Additional Information: N/A
Your Name: TomRist SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:57559641 Staff Member's Name(s): Browniemeister Staff Member's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:0:85295846 Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): RDM & abusing staff powers Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://imgur.com/MhzOH6n https://youtu.be/FEd4Ovfe1u4 (Had to edit to add more evidence also there are 3 videos but only 2 appear, just click this link to see the other video https://youtu.be/FEd4Ovfe1u4) Additional Information: I was just afk and he tp to me and killed me with mp40. Once I made a ticket he brought me to the staff room and also killed me. He also created and spread a rumor about me that is a lie (you can see him writing it in ooc while metagaming). He has being doing this for years
To answer, yes Lapo lately has been in a miserable state won't deny it, HOWEVER, for the argument you are giving me, its like Lapo can sell other stuff, like every gun, zip ties etc, same as the military. A lot of times we see the military or any other faction giving guns to citizen, but that doesn't mean the item is being removed from their vendor. Lockpicks are fundamental for laps jobs, and they are too expensive in the black market dealer
Description of the idea: Adding lockpicks to the LaPo vendor for LaPo to carry it Why should this be added?: Lapo must take cars to the Lapo station that are illegally parked, obstructing roads, etc. And they are often locked, meaning we can't do anything. If not lockpicks at least some items that allow to break into vehicles that are locked What negatives could this have?: Lapo members using lockpicks to get into places they aren't allowed, this can be countered by adding an item that its like a lockpick only for Symphs cars or something like it Additional information: N/A
No I did not. I didn't try shoot the vizekonsul at all. I was trying to shoot the Kg/KSD or whatever was, dragging and around him. I hit 1 but also hit a vw that was in front of me, due to crossfire. I wasnt trying to kill the vizekonsul
Your Name: TomRist SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:57559641 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoresom How long is your ban for?: 1 month and 14 days Why were you banned?: Reason is "retard" but it was because I open fire on KG and other members arresting the vizekonsul Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First, I was told to help and stop the arrest of the vizekonsul, which is what I did, there was a lot of tension in the air, and when he was being brought to the MOI, VW, and party were trying to stop and gun pointing those arresting him. As soon they were entering the MOI, I tried to kill the person dragging the vizekonsul, but sadly, as soon I shot 2 bullets I was physguned away and banned for 1 month and 14 days. My record is clean, never broke 1 single rule, and I have literally 0 bans and warns, and 0 POs. I don't believe I broke a rule. This stuff happens all the time what I did, no one gets banned. I don't understand when I try to stop someone being arrested I am instantly banned for 1 month. If I did break a rule, no idea which but if I did, I do apologize. However I want to highlight the fact that my record is clean, I have no previous offenses, and being banned for 1 month and 14 days for something, I believe it is not breaking a rule, right away is too harsh. Especially compared with people mass rdming and all that most of the time get banned 1 week or something. Additional Information: N/A
You are the one who told me it was you who PKd Navarov can confirm, Virus told me it was even UA allowed. That is impossible what you just said, as all my characters are literally gone, and My only 2 characters have 3 days, 1 of them, the one you pkd in this situation.
Find it odd you dont recall, when you literally told me to make this pk appeal as "it was gonna be denied eitherway", your words in front of Navarov. Eitherway was today, literally 15 minutes before I posted this appeal
Character's name & rank: NSB-Polizeioberdiener Siegfried Leon Strucker SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:57559641 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Browniemeister obv Explain why you were PK'd: There was a civil war happening between nsb and military. After things calmed down we (NSB) made 5 arrests. I was ordered to stay in the cells and given permission by general inspektor Flynn to interrogate and dossier the prisioners. Over 1h passed and staff (Navarov) came to me warning be that there was people in cells for more than an hour not being questioned or just not doing anything. After that I told them I was gonna finish soon, so I did. Timing was that, when I did, It was when our general was arrested by the chancelor. I was told to keep the prisioners a bit more in the cells. After 1 more hour, one staff came to me, cant remember the name but started with letter B and it wasnt browniemeister, warned me same thing as Navarov told me, and I told him I was done so I was gonna release them soon. I walked them outside to release them, I passed by the entire nsb group and say "Dont worry jsut releasing them" My superior told me "Release them it has been hours" and as SOON I walk them out, Browniemeister in his character (didnt even notice what he is, think lapo or something didn't see) gunpointed at me, yelled "bring them back inside what are you doing" I tried to explain them and he kept saying "no bring them inside" and I said, "No it has been 2 hours, they have no information, all dossiers of them were made" and brownie said "Ok youre being executed" and shot me instantly. No warning of me being pk active, No correct conduct, No telling me the reason of my pk and not telling me who was the staff accepting the pk, I just knew it was him because when I called a different staff he told me. Why should you be un-PK'd?: There was legit no reason for my Permakill and it was made with no proper conduct. I was just shot on site by a random guy as far as I know that NEVER had any RP encounters with me so far Additional Information: N/A