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Everything posted by Turais

  1. Steam Name: Turais SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:586543702 Discord Username/ID: turaiscarina / 1041658380139368448 Timezone: GMT+3 Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 1mo 3w 1d 20h 31m. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, and yes I will use it Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Coffee Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @Vale@Vixx IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Harmann Weber He is apart of NSB, AMT-1 which is the administrative department, does competency tests on people who needs them (people who are acting incompetent) other than that he conducts his duties as an NSB agent opening and closing case files and organising patrols usually is the main prosecution for day to day cases that NSB has to do. Ministerialdirigent Kurt Weber He is the vice president of the kammersgericht he gives out BAR IDs, conducts trials and hires new judges to landesgericht and kammersgericht How long have you been roleplaying?: Like a year or so Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: - I have one note for meta gaming which was given by Beach, due to one of my character's name being really similar to a previous character that died the day before when I got the ticket I was pretty much new to the server and never did the same mistake again. What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Nothing Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: In order to have a good community of people first we need an active and working staff team, making sure the people met with a guy who likes helping people out and fair to everyone. The responsibility of a staff member is to help out someone who needs it about his situation and even help him fix is mistakes. To be more specific, I help players whenever they need help, as long as their requests are reasonable and within my powers. I would only punish people if enough evidence was provided to myself about the situation as people can and will lie to get the other party involved punished. A staff member should be a good roleplayer and show other people how a good roleplayer should act, and in my opinion I can be an example to people as a roleplayer. I am extremely active you could say 24/7. I am on most weekdays and weekends. It is really important to be active if you want to be in a good community. at the end of the day, I will do my best to be a good staff member. I am willing to learn. As I know how to resolve issues and my capabilities in communicating with people, and I believe I can use my capabilities to its fullest by joining the staff team. I will make sure every user gets treated the same and I will help out anyone who is in need, and I believe I will be a good addition to the staff team for the reasons I presented, commitment, activity and dedication and I this application is accepted I will do my best to help the people out whenever they need as long as it is within my capabilities as a staff member of this community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities as a member of staff, is to make sure community are following the the rules and I'll be enforcing the rules whenever it is necessary, and keep the non-roleplayers from making the roleplay experience a living hell for fellow roleplayers. My job is to have a positive and productive stand point. My main responsability shall be taking tickets in order to resolve player's issues, in my opinion at least this is the most important thing to do in staff work. I shall conduct myself in a professional manner and be respectful to anyone who I encounter even if they are disrespectful towards me. I will be proffessional both in my staff character and my IC characters in order to set an example for other roleplayers, I will set this example for anyone such as new players, veteran players and even the members of staff. I shall not hesitate in enforcing the rules of prometheus, I'm becoming a member of staff not to ban people but teach them and educate them about the rules of this server, I believe by this I can turn rule breakers into actual genuine roleplayers that enjoys roleplaying. I want to help people out guide them about how the server works and have them roleplay without breaking any rules. At the end my role as a staff member is to serve the community and help out anyone who is in need of staff.
  2. Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Harmann Weber SteamID32: 76561199133353133 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Lawson Explain why you were PK'd: Breaking Fear RP Why should you be un-PK'd?: We were having a conversation with a grenadier of the feld when 4 people pulled up with the guns and kidnapped us I believe they thought I was trying to radio in for help but I geniunely thought I was normally speaking, and not speaking to the radio I believe most of us are aware people speaking on radio when they think they're normally speaking until someone warns them that they're speaking on the radio Additional Information: N/A
  3. (I'll just copy paste my comment on the previous one) Hi! I was the one who gave the order to stop him at all costs when he attempted to kidnap NSB members earlier that same day and on previous occasions. When we had the opportunity, I instructed all agents to stop him by any means necessary. I also specifically ordered the agents to focus on shooting the tires of the car he was in to slow him down, allowing the pursuing agents to catch up.
  4. Hi! I was the one who gave the order to stop him at all costs when he attempted to kidnap NSB members earlier that same day and on previous occasions. When we had the opportunity, I instructed all agents to stop him by any means necessary. I also specifically ordered the agents to focus on shooting the tires of the car he was in to slow him down, allowing the pursuing agents to catch up.
  5. Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Harmann Weber SteamID32: 76561199133353133 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Da Epic Goose Explain why you were PK'd: They told me I broke fear RP Why should you be un-PK'd?: I had a very reasonable distance, between me and the people that were arresting the NSB members , no one was near me nor was I under gun point they were kinda ignoring me so I thought they couldn't hear me from that distance so I used the opportunity to radio in for help. Additional Information: N/A

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