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JurgeR bandit.camp

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  1. As I said, the weapons on the tanks could just be disabled and be used as show, like the weapon on the sdkfz 222 which is unusable
  2. Description of the idea: To give the 912th Panzer-kompanie more purpose than be a clone of infantry. Why should this be added?: Without tanks, the Panzer Kompanie are basically just a clone of the infantry, with tanks, the panzer kompanie would have more purpose and have more things to do. What negatives could this have?: Minges would be the main problem. Additional information: To fix minges having acess to the tanks, we could make the tanks only available to trusted men of the panzer kompanie , such as the stv. chief and chief Or make the panzer kompanie only available to NCO+ to join. Or you could disable the weapons on the tanks and just have them for show during patrols, marches, etc. If this actually gets accepted then this is a mod suggestion of mine. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1881339487&searchtext=Panzer
  3. +1 he's a cool guy 100% deserves staff

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