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Donzoko No Ryu

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  1. Closing this appeal and moving to Denied due to it being the wrong template in the wrong section. @BeavisRemake your appeal using the correct template, post it in the correct location (follow the above link from Jakob) and this will be reviewed accordingly.
  2. Thank you for your apology for the RDM. This ban would have been served a long time ago, however you decided to break Global Rule 11 on two occasions after being banned, which is why the ban was made permanent. You tried to circumvent your original ban twice. The first time was less than an hour after the original ban, the next was three days later. Please refer to this in your appeal.
  3. Format this appeal to the linked template, or this will be automatically denied.
  4. Denied Seeing as you have now deleted the character...
  5. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!
  6. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!
  7. The actual guideline for this would have fallen under UA+ approval, part 8 of the PK guidelines. Your stonewalling began from you saying the same exact answer to every single question brought to you by the questioning NSB agents, which was you refusing to sign any documents. I was asked to overwatch the situation and agreed that this was getting a little ridiculous, so I came over to inform you that you need to try and roleplay and not repeat the same response over and over again, which I had witnessed before intervening. You had also made a ticket asking if this situation was legal, which I PMd you in-game and informed you that the legality of the situation is an IC issue, and that you should battle this ICly instead of asking for staff intervention. A minute after I said this, you started running your mouth in LOOC - attached. To confirm what I told you when I intervened, anywhere on the map other than a staff sit is IC, being "kidnapped while OOC" just doesn't exist. Regarding the metagaming, you stated your friend in the VC told you to "be stoic", but you also left out the part where they told you to not sign anything! I would also like to note the part where you stated "I'm just not gonna do anything, I'm just gonna sit here and waste your time", which again is nothing but stonewalling. This was after I told you that you need to try and roleplay the situation out instead of saying the same thing over and over. Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jrfE8irt7oB5-qNfO?invite=cr-MSxJeGwsODQyMDk3MTEs I'm not sure why you've resorted to ChatGPT to answer for the LTARP. The logs stated you "disconnected by user", which usually means you Alt-F4d, or just disconnected from the server. If you had lost connection/power, had an error in GMod which kicked you out of the server or the game entirely, the logs would say you timed out. All of the above led to me PKing your character. Another member of UA will review this appeal and decide on its outcome.
  8. Denied You may submit another appeal in no less than 30 days.
  9. Accepted Further infractions will result in less leniency for future appeals.
  10. After discussing this with the staff member who banned you, this appeal is Accepted.
  11. From my perspective, I'm really unsure how you or your friend failed to immediately spot the big bold text on the wall that says unless you are a member of UA, you shouldn't even be in that room. The first instance of you hitting the Pantheon buttons happened when one of the broadcasts were played, and you and your friend immediately left the game afterwards. Second time, you join back and decide to hit the button to activate the horns, which is when you got caught. When speaking to you in the sit, you seemed to be feigning ignorance and was just not answering any question that me and Jack asked. If your game completely crashed and shut off, then the logs would state you timed out, however it states "disconnect by user", which backs up the LTAP ban. You have accepted some responsibility in your appeal which is appreciated, however I still feel that the LTAP reason at the very least is still justified. Another member of UA will decide on this appeal outcome.
  12. You have 24 hours to fix this appeal to fit in with the linked template, or this will be automatically denied.
  13. Denied. The evidence I have seen shows you blatantly breaking Fear RP and having a clear disregard for your own life. This PK was valid.

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