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Everything posted by Sears

  1. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Esports2.0 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:549874572 Discord Username/ID: Sears8009 Timezone: EST Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 5d 7h 7m(I had over a month before the wipe) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator What rank are you applying for?: Moderator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the recruitment team assist you in making your application? Aurelius of Phoenix Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Brownimeister, Invalid, SlickB, Saito, Lentz, Aurelius of Phoenix Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Welf Matthies Former Generaloberst and deputy of the armed forces he held both titles of Commander of the army and chief of the armed forces general staff under Feldmarschall Noah Wolf. He now resides as a civilian. Kommissar Paul Scharper He is a part of the IM personal guard, his daily duties consist of security checks and patrolling any location where the Interiorminister is located. Polizeiunterdiener Paul Liebig He is a police officer within the Bavarian Autobahn Police. His daily duties consist of ordinary patrols, and arresting all of the baddies. How long have you been roleplaying?: About a year and a half Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: No notes and no bans Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have never been a moderator within Garry’s Mod. However, in my time on Prometheus and other servers, I have picked up the principles of a good moderator. I know how moderators should act, hold up the rules and expectations of the server, and have general know-how regarding it. All I need is a simple step in the right direction, and I’ll be perfect for the job. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: As a quick learner, I am perfect at learning through experience, visuals, and text. Anything you can throw at me, I can pick up quickly. I’m also great at putting my thoughts into words, and can easily explain something to someone else so that they can get the best understanding of it as possible. I’m great at handling disputes between people, through listening to both of their claims, their reasonings, and evidence, I can easily determine what needs to happen to resolve the issue. In addition to that, another thing that I think helps me stand out is my experience with the server. I first joined the server in late 2022/early 2023 and I've spent well over a month of playtime on this server. When I am on the server I try to be fun and enjoyable, both for my own enjoyment and to others, and my extensive experience roleplaying and learning how the server operates help me accomplish that. I know a lot about the ins and outs of the server and its community, and feel that I can use my knowledge to help people accomplish their goals on the server as well. I love to learn things, and over the months I’ve picked up a lot of intricate details on the way the server is run and have tried my best to apply them to how I play myself and interact with others. Whenever something goes awry, I try to understand where people come from, what their motives are, and what I can do to help them, and I feel that this could be a great thing for me as a staff member. Not only do I love to help people, but my patient attitude makes it easy for me to understand all types of players, not just the ones that I want to help. I also strive to be as mature as possible, and have often received compliments from teachers, friends, and other important people in my life for doing so. Overall, my experience, drive for helping others, patience, maturity, and most importantly, friendliness, are all factors of my personality that I think would not only make my staff experience smooth should I be accepted, but also improve the experience of everyone else I would love the opportunity to help keep this amazing experience for others running as smooth as possible. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: Staff are an important characteristic of any server. They are the backbone, and the support of the server. They’re the reason people want to play the server and enjoy it so much. They keep things under control and don’t let things blow out of proportion. They’re the rule maintainers of the server; moreover, they are the main solvers of disputes. Staff help everyone with their roleplay experience, whilst not doing anything to damage it. They must also be mature, disciplined and respectful at all times. Staff members will have to do everyday activities: answering tickets, helping out with PK’s, promotions/demotions and so much more. Staff have to be as helpful as they can be, they must lead people in the right direction when asked. They must also keep up a jovial disposition, even if they’re getting upset. They also have to keep those who minge, micspam, RDM, and VDM away. Staff are the people everyone looks up to, and it’s important for them to keep happy relationships with the playerbase.

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