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Da Epic Goose

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Everything posted by Da Epic Goose

  1. The staff member that issued the blacklist was @Ich Bin Ein Brot
  2. -1 Sure this excuse worked when the server reopened but at this point this is the "I'm lazy to stay afk on the server 24/7 to get enough hours" excuse. The server has been reopened for 4 months now...... It's not that hard to get the required hours.
  3. Greetings, so to start and clarify this ban once again, you have powergamed your transfer papers by writing first off the name of a dead CO for "Previous Commanding Officer", as well as a fake signature. You also lied to me multiple times when I asked you if you signed this paper stating "yep", asking you again to clarify as to what you have signed, telling me you only wrote your name, and later telling me you also wrote the signature after you told me some random NSB agent did for you multiple times. I don't see why you would lie about the NSB agent when these are clearly transfer papers for the KG. You acted moronic when answering my questions about the document stating the NSB agent did it for you when there's not NSB agent in this story, aka lying. I wish to tell you that even if another person made those fake signature, these are YOUR transfer papers, YOUR character, so you take responsibility for your char. Also, this is a shit apology, you didn't even try.
  4. Hi there, staff member who banned you here. You pretty much summarised what I wanted to say and even tho it hasn't been that long since the blacklist I'd say you can be forgiven, tho I'll leave it to the UA member for the verdict.
  5. Greetings, so to start and clarify this ban, you have powergamed your transfer papers by writing first off the name of a dead CO for "Previous Commanding Officer", as well as a fake signature. You also lied to me multiple times when I asked you if you signed this paper stating "yep", asking you again to clarify as to what you have signed, telling me you only wrote your name, and later telling me you also wrote the signature after you told me some random NSB agent did for you multiple times. I don't see why you would lie about the NSB agent when these are clearly transfer papers for the KG. You acted moronic when answering my questions about the document stating the NSB agent did it for you when there's not NSB agent in this story, aka lying. Also when I was about to respond to you in your dms you went schizo mode for some reason. Also I wish to tell you that even if another person made those fake signature, these are YOUR transfer papers, YOUR character.
  6. Hi there, I'm the staff member that took the ticket and pk'd you. The definition of fear rp at least from my perspective would be a person not fearing for his life in any shape or form. Now in your case, the "distance" you had wasn't exactly that big, only a couple of steps to the right of your group. The person that noticed that you called for help using your radio, while you were ambushed and arrested by the feld, was the Generaloberst who quickly took action and arrested you as well. The server rules only gives one example in which fear rp can apply but that's not all the situations that you can apply it to. We all know this and it's common that under gun point you can pk'd for not abiding the orders of the person with the weapon but i'd say that's not the only case. Now after you got arrested together with the group, the Generaloberst decided he wants to pk you for fear rp, since myself and him consider that you did not fear for your life or the life of your collages when you called for reinforcements on the radio. A similar incident happened today in which a hauptmann called on his radio for help while being kidnapped. Be it that it's not the exact same situation, I used this to apply the same thing here.
  7. Hi, you were banned for MRDM because you just randomly started shooting and killing this group of civs for being in the back end of the bank. There was no superior there either since apart from you there were only 2 other people there that were part of the state and marines. You did not warn them to leave, in fact you didn't even give them a chance when you started to point your weapon at them. You could have tried detainment but you didn't. Clip: https://streamable.com/x6oo44
  8. Hi, approving staff member here. Your pk was done under the guideline of fear rp and I see it as a fair judgement from sicht since you were told 10 times not to try anything funny and to stop resisting while you were getting tied/detained. Also do know that in this case, the pk was not a last resort since it would have been impossible to restrain you otherwise, and by that I mean, they wouldn't have been able to prisoner diamond on you or get your legs, hence why you were put under fear rp. Do know that once you take out your weapon while under fear rp, you take a HUGE risk of getting pk'd, which happened in this case.
  9. Nope, it was denis that requested the pk and that shot him dead. Here's the last seconds of the pk clip from the logs: https://i.imgur.com/Deb6Tt0.mp4
  10. Hello there, I'm the staff member who issued the pk as you know. To sum it up, the person you killed was the childhood and best friend of the character Max Maelk. Under the grief guideline(Being killed by another player due to causing severe harm or grief to their character [PK]), Maelk is allowed to request a pk on you. In this case, we also requested Dark, a member of the UA team, to give his opinion on this take before the pk. He said this pk would be reasonable since you literally killed his childhood friend right in front of Maelk. Also as far as I'm concerned, this pk wasn't done for OOC matters or because of the hate between the lapo and nsb but simply for revenge.
  11. +1 To be honest, yes not a lot of people have vr, but for those who do, I find this to be a good idea. If Slug finds a way to disable the teleportation feature, I'd say why not.
  12. -1 Yea no clue who you are
  13. -1 Wasn't it like a month ago that you released a doc as the DRK President about eugenics and race purity?
  14. +1 ex-staff and a nice guy
  15. Some people don't know what common sense is... UA needs to edit the PK Guidelines and write "Even if you haven't broken any rule or have done anything wrong within the RP scenario. you can still get pk'd if you don't abide by fear rp", preferably in a big ass font.
  16. +1 App looks good and decent person
  17. +1 He's a nice guy, has a good app, good history, old player, and ex-staff, what else do you need?
  18. +1 Funny enough I saw you on the server and I know you're active

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