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About NotVeryLucid

  • Birthday 02/09/1994

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  1. +1 more props, better building.
  2. Steam Name: NotVeryLucid SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:78396546 Discord Username/ID: notverylucid Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 3d 11h Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Michael Brooks - Deutscher Volkswachter Rank - Gruppenleiter Duties: Organizing NCOs to take enlisted on patrols and recruitment runs. Setting up formations while guarding the Reichstag. Train NCOs and enlisted in various hostile and guarding situations. Harry Potter - Landespolizei Rank - Streifendienst Duties - following orders given to me by Higher Ups such as recruitment runs and city patrols. Learning the ropes while progressing to NCO. Keeping Berlin a safe place. Dick Johnson - Feldjäger-Brigade Rank- Grenadier Duties - Protecting the Bender Block. Doing as I am told. Learning from NCOs and Officers. Guard Generals. Keep enemy forces from invading Berlin. Train to become a better Feldjager. Eric Vanlooper - Kaisergarde Rank - Grenadier Duties - Protecting the Lichterfelde. Keeping the Kaiser Hendrick Baumer safe as he and his personal guards walk the city. Finding new recruits. Learning combat skills for certs. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I really just want to be helpful since I know how busy the server can get. I will utilize each role I have in the server to positively impact it. I will also want to be able to recruit or promote/demote in several different factions if needed. I certainly do not plan to abuse it in anyway possible. Staff Recommendations: None, but I believe that I will be a smart choice and I only have the best intentions for the server. On the old map I had 100s of hours. So, I am no stranger to the rules or the direction the server is taking to keep it whitelisted. I am pretty chill and laid back alot of the time unless something important is happening. Thank you for reading my application. I hope you all have a chill day. -lucid

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