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Everything posted by MarX

  1. Staff could you please decide if I am PKd or unPKd
  2. I made a new one with the right template.
  3. Character's name & rank: NSB-Hauptkommissar Adam Goldstein SteamID32: 76561199548719383 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: they told me cuz of RDM Why should you be un-PK'd?: We were in an active engagement with him already due us having a questioning order/warrant on him we were chasing him I tried to shoot his tires but then he ran me over and then shot me. For context we were ordered from the radio to stop him at all cost so I took my chance to shoot his tires Additional Information: The Warrant; https://docs.google.com/document/d/17REkCMLFDBd_9Iewniud8vU37o8Upz-JYF3q-P7jCxg/edit?usp=sharing The Clip: https://medal.tv/de?contentId=itqXUqhGhszifGaUB&invite=cr-MSxRMkosMTEyNDAxNTU2LA&spok=d1337sUiAPqB
  4. NSB-Hauptkommissar Adam Goldstein SteamID32: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199548719383/ Staff: Coffee *Explain why you were PK'd:they told me I RDMd For context: me we were ordered from the radio to stop him at all cost so I took my chance to shoot his tires Why should I get UN PKd: We were in an active engagement with him already due us having a questioning order/warrant on him we were chasing him I tried to shoot his tires but then he ran me over and then shot. Additional Information: the Warrant: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17REkCMLFDBd_9Iewniud8vU37o8Upz-JYF3q-P7jCxg/edit?usp=sharing the Clip: https://medal.tv/de?contentId=itqXUqhGhszifGaUB&invite=cr-MSxRMkosMTEyNDAxNTU2LA&spok=d1337sUiAPqB

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