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Everything posted by Hosam
Character's name & rank: heinrich hos SteamID32: ( STEAM_0:0:890889102) Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): manio Explain why you were PK'd: Because I was shot at NSB unit Why should you be un-PK'd?: From the beginning, the NSB was in the ICC and they committed illegal arrests. I was silent, and in the video it was shown that they had arrested a conscript and threatened us with arrest if we did something in reaction, and they had no right to arrest people it's illegal arrest, and I raised a weapon to defend myself until the beginning happened Shooting people then I shooted the NSB unit in front of me before he shoot me, because after the shooting starts, they surely will kill me if i didn't get ready to rise my weapon. This is habit every time. and I skip it every day and nothing issuse happens to me and in icc they teached us to react to NSB when they going to do problem with us This decision must be adhered to and yeah see in chat in video here "[local broadcast] : Ordersmarschall Walbert Lentz: Remove them all [Local Broadcast] : this message was sent to kaiserliche kriegsmacht (it's my devision) kaiserlicher feldjager , kaiserliches Herr , kaiserliches luftwaffe , kasierliches marine . Then why only me?Take Ban and everyone they killed don't deserve Ban like me why only me and when I want to prove to Manio and ser hound , it is starting shooting dosen't me then everybody should to shoot ,I feel angry that I cannot bear because I wasted my effort, I was unteroffizer and pked me and here video https://drive.google.com/file/d/199nUZB-E0sgGgvetciYh1NmxMsuZa96U/view?usp=sharing and thank you Additional Information: none
Your Name: heinrich hos SteamID32 ( STEAM_0:0:890889102) Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: manio Manio and ser hound How long is your ban for?: I got pked and banned for 3 days Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: From the beginning, the NSB was in the ICC and they committed illegal arrests. I was silent, and in the video it was shown that they had arrested a conscript and threatened us with arrest if we did something in reaction, and they had no right to arrest people it's illegal arrest, and I raised a weapon to defend myself until the beginning happened Shooting people then I shooted the NSB unit in front of me before he shoot me, because after the shooting starts, they surely will kill me if i didn't get ready to rise my weapon. This is habit every time. and I skip it every day and nothing issuse happens to me and in icc they teached us to react to NSB when they going to do problem with us This decision must be adhered to and yeah see in chat in video here "[local broadcast] : Ordersmarschall Walbert Lentz: Remove them all [Local Broadcast] : this message was sent to kaiserliche kriegsmacht (it's my devision) kaiserlicher feldjager , kaiserliches Herr , kaiserliches luftwaffe , kasierliches marine . Then why only me?Take Ban and everyone they killed don't deserve Ban like me why only me and when I want to prove to Manio and ser hound , it is starting shooting dosen't me then everybody should to shoot ,I feel angry that I cannot bear because I wasted my effort, I was unteroffizer and pked me and here video https://drive.google.com/file/d/199nUZB-E0sgGgvetciYh1NmxMsuZa96U/view?usp=sharing And this report https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K37T9NkO27oRC6UkpJJoU6e1B-6fA0dh/view?usp=sharing and thank you
Your Name: heinrich hos SteamID32 ( STEAM_0:0:890889102) Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: manio Manio and ser hound How long is your ban for?: I got pked and banned for 3 days Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: From the beginning, the NSB was in the ICC and they committed illegal arrests. I was silent, and in the video it was shown that they had arrested a conscript and threatened us with arrest if we did something in reaction, and they had no right to arrest people it's illegal arrest, and I raised a weapon to defend myself until the beginning happened Shooting people then I shooted the NSB unit in front of me before he shoot me, because after the shooting starts, they surely will kill me if i didn't get ready to rise my weapon. This is habit every time. and I skip it every day and nothing issuse happens to me and in icc they teached us to react to NSB when they going to do problem with us This decision must be adhered to and yeah see in chat in video here "[local broadcast] : Ordersmarschall Walbert Lentz: Remove them all [Local Broadcast] : this message was sent to kaiserliche kriegsmacht (it's my devision) kaiserlicher feldjager , kaiserliches Herr , kaiserliches luftwaffe , kasierliches marine . Then why only me?Take Ban and everyone they killed don't deserve Ban like me why only me and when I want to prove to Manio and ser hound , it is starting shooting dosen't me then everybody should to shoot ,I feel angry that I cannot bear because I wasted my effort, I was unteroffizer and pked me and here video https://drive.google.com/file/d/199nUZB-E0sgGgvetciYh1NmxMsuZa96U/view?usp=sharing and thank you
Your Name: Enrich Eagle SteamID32 ( STEAM_0:0:890889102) Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Admin Who banned my character How long is your ban for?: I don't know it's showed me banned https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tLaMTOFafqEeGWC5bb1UkM_oseDVY4YW/view?usp=sharing Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Why were you banned?: In the beginning, I was on my way to the military base, and suddenly I saw two of the gang pinning me with a gun and they said, “Don’t move.” He said, “I want to join the army,” and he pointed a gun at me, but I ran away because they were aiming the gun at me, so I shoted them in fear . Before they shot me, one of them asked the admin to accuse me of starting the first, and I recited the evidence to him, but the admin defended him, and while we were talking, I did not stop talking, and while I was talking with the accused admin suddenly banned me , I was on the military character but banned by admin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RsJAMSja99odjwPoRCRsu0rWMlUTnHFt/view?usp=sharing And this situation thank you , Additional Information: No more
Yeah i think so my name in game is hienrich eagle is banned i don't know how longtime not informed
Your Name: Enrich Eagle SteamID32 ( STEAM_0:0:890889102) Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Admin Who banned my character How long is your ban for?: I don't know it's showed me banned https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tLaMTOFafqEeGWC5bb1UkM_oseDVY4YW/view?usp=sharing Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Why were you banned?: In the beginning, I was on my way to the military base, and suddenly I saw two of the gang pinning me with a gun and they said, “Don’t move.” He said, “I want to join the army,” and he pointed a gun at me, but I ran away because they were aiming the gun at me, so I made sure that I shot them. Before they shot me, one of them asked the admin to accuse me of starting the first, and I recited the evidence to him, but the admin defended him, and while we were talking, I did not stop talking, and while I was talking with the accused, I was on the military character but banned by admin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RsJAMSja99odjwPoRCRsu0rWMlUTnHFt/view?usp=sharing And this situation thank you , Additional Information: No more
My steam id : STEAM_0:0:890889102 It's here Here you are sir , Greeting
My steam id : STEAM_0:0:890889102 here you go
My Steam id : 76561199742043932 Sorry for late
Your Name: Enrich Eagle SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199742043932/ Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: marchal i don't know who is How long is your ban for?: 5 day Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Why were you banned?: At first, when I was following the soldier, I thought he was going to the room, but I did not know that this was forbidden, but someone prevented me. I do not know what his name was, but he allowed the soldier, and I did not. In a moment, he raised the gun and killed me, and that he was a child. It was clear from his voice. Then He kicked me out of the server for 5 days. I don't know why. It's unfair that he can do anything with his brain Additional Information: No more
In first story when i was away to room inside the icc it's my place i was following my soldier then t someone kid underage voice then he aim me with his weapon and then i rise my weapon to defence myself when he killed me after min he banned me for 5 day This is what made me hate the server because of this justice and mean this massege happen 20:35:13 UTC - 14/08/2024 - You were killed by 224 [224] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LzQv5NkEVCw5FMSBlCvzOfmGYxEDQ9PS/view?usp=drive_link My profile steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199742043932/ And thank you