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Everything posted by floada

  1. floada

    Ban Appeal

    Yeah ur right man
  2. floada

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: Don Colosimo SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:79194567 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: "dawg" How long is your ban for?: Perm Why were you banned?: MRDM NITRP LTAP ERP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I had the intent to roleplay for a long time, I will admit I did not when it was around 5AM est and barely anyone was on, so it was around 8 people and we where all just having fun. Everyone I killed that morning was doing the same, just having fun. As for the leaving to avoid punishment, There was never a report opened on me as far as I know because there was no admin on at the time, I had been on the server for hours at this point and logged off to go to sleep. As for the ERP I was also just having fun and no one that I did it to seemed to have an issue, it was all just jokes. I am sorry for the rules that ive broken and I will not do them again. Please if you could reduce my ban length it would be greatly appreciated as I would like to join back and have a more serious go at the server. Thank you for reading.

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